Monday, April 1, 2019

Commercial Carpet Cleaning - What You Need to Know

Commercial carpet cleaning differs from carpet cleaning in your home in many ways. Some companies will use a truck-mounted system while others will use an encapsulation machine. The common denominator is that commercial carpet cleaning requires a much more rigorous effort due to the higher volume of traffic in businesses and office buildings.

Consider a restaurant for instance, which not only deals with a high number of dirty shoes every day but also spills and grease. What's the best way to deal with these issues? Multiple pre-treatments are available that can degrease and prepare the carpet for a thorough cleaning. After allowing the prescribed amount of time for the loosening agents to soak in, the cleaning can begin.

A truck-mounted carpet cleaning system employs high heat, high water pressure, and a strong vacuum to clean. Whereas an encapsulation machine works by using a special chemical that encapsulates the dirt, and then the machine uses a heavy rotary brush that scrubs in the chemical, getting deep into the carpet - and then a separate vacuum is used to extract all of the encapsulated dirt.

Which of the two systems is better? There is no clear choice. Each method is better suited for different jobs. Generally, the encapsulation machine works better for high traffic areas and greasy carpet. However, the truck mount would be better for a fresh spill or extracting an excessive amount of water from a pipe leak.

Commercial carpet cleaning is definitely not a do-it-yourself job, and night cleaning crews or janitors are generally not equipped well enough to handle such a task. Do your diligent research and find the right commercial carpet cleaning company who has the right equipment and the right amount of experience to handle what you need. There are plenty of great companies that have both truck mounts and encapsulation machines. Get multiple quotes, and consider a small business with an owner operator - as with most service industries, you'll most likely receive a more personalized touch.

Some things you can do to maintain cleaner commercial carpet for longer is to make sure you have a janitor or a night cleaning crew who vacuums regularly with a good vacuum cleaner. Use a door mat at all entrances as well. A clean workplace promotes productivity, peace of mind and happiness in your workers and customers. Do your research and find a good commercial carpet cleaning company today.



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