Sunday, December 27, 2020

In 2020, the average national cost for health insurance is $456 for an individual and $1,152 for a family per month. However, costs vary among the wide selection of health plans. Understanding the relationship between health coverage and cost can help you choose the right health insurance for you.

To see personalized quotes for coverage options available in your area, browse health insurance by state. If you already know which health insurance carrier you’d like to purchase from, check out our list of health insurance companies.

What is individual health insurance?

While many people get their health insurance through a group plan sponsored by their employer or union, others buy it themselves. If you are buying your own health insurance, you are purchasing an individual plan, even if you include family members on the plan. If this sounds like what you need, let eHealth show you all of your individual and family health insurance options, and use our free quote comparison tool to find an affordable plan that meets your needs.

As a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), people can purchase individual health insurance through a government exchange or marketplace (commonly referred to as ACA plans), or they can buy health insurance from private insurers. You may be restricted to purchasing health insurance through a government exchange to certain times of the year. Usually you can purchase health coverage from a private insurance company anytime.

ACA plans are a good starting place to understanding individual health insurance options. ACA health plans are categorized by metals. You can learn more about the metallic plans: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

All ACA plans must cover 10 essential benefits, such as coverage for hospitalizations, outpatient and preventive care, maternity and child services, lab tests, rehabilitation services, mental health treatment, and prescription drugs. Each insurer can decide how it provide these benefits, and perhaps additional benefits. The metallic levels help buyers understand what portion of health care costs the plan will pay on average and what portion the consumer will pay.

How much does individual health insurance cost?

The cost of individual health insurance varies. Personal choices in coverage as well as age, income, location, number of family members (if any) included in your coverage, health care use – factor into your actual health insurance cost.

You can get a reliable estimate of your costs when you know health plan’s premiums, deductibles, cost-sharing expenses and maximum out-of-pocket limits. With this information, you can also compare health insurance plans. Licensed insurance brokers at eHealth offer expert knowledge in available health plans. They can help you compare options to find the affordable health plan that meets your needs.


In exchange for healthcare coverage, the insurer charges you a monthly premium.

According to eHealth’s recent study of ACA plans, in 2020 the national average health insurance premium for an ACA plan is $456 for an individual and $1,152 for a family. This average cost does not include people who receive government subsides.

Deductibles and cost-sharing expenses

A deductible is the amount you pay for health care services each year before your health insurance pays its portion of the cost of covered services. Our study finds that in 2020, the average annual deductible for single, individual coverage is $4,364 and $8,439 for family coverage. Keep in mind, individual health insurance plans’ deductibles vary considerably: some may be as low as $0.

Copayments and coinsurance are cost-sharing payments you make each time you get a medical service after reaching your annual deductible.

A copayment is a fixed amount that you pay for covered health care services. For example, assume your plan has a $30 copayment and your doctor’s visit is $150. If you:

Haven’t met your deductible, you’ll pay $150 at the time of your visit

Have met your deductible, you’ll pay your $30 copayment

Coinsurance is a percentage of covered health care service that you pay for covered services after you have met your deductible. Assume your plan has a 20% coinsurance and your doctor’s visit is $150. If you:

Haven’t met your deductible, you’ll pay $150 for the visit

Have met your deductible, you’ll pay 20% of $150 (which is $30)

Maximum out-of-pocket limits

The maximum out-of-pocket limit is a financial safety net. This dollar amount is the most you have to spend for covered services in a year. After you reach this amount, the insurance company pays 100% for covered services for the rest of the benefit year. Your deductible, copayments and coinsurance payments count toward the annual maximum out-of-pocket limit.

For the 2020 plan year, the out-of-pocket limit for an ACA plan can’t be more than $8,150 for an individual and $16,300, as reported on Many plans offer lower out-of-pocket limits.

How do premiums, deductibles, cost-share, and out-of-pocket limits influence health care cost?

Generally, the more benefits your plan pays, the more you pay in premium. But your medical expenses for care are lower.

To illustrate how these costs may influence your choice of plans, consider the ACA plans.

The Bronze plan has the lowest premiums of the ACA metallic categories of plans. The national average premium in 2020 for single coverage is $448 per month, for family coverage, $1,041 per month, according to our study. A Bronze plan may be right for you if your primary goal is to protect yourself financially from the high cost of a serious illness or injury and still pay a modest premium. However you will have to pay for much of your routine medical care. The plan pays for preventive care (such as an annual wellness visit, certain screenings and counseling) whether or not the deductible is met.

A Silver plan may be a good choice for you if you can afford a slightly higher premium than a Bronze plan premium to get more insurance payment for medical care. The national average Silver plan premium in 2020 for single coverage is $483 per month. Family coverage averages $1,212 per month.

A Gold plan may be the right choice for you if you are willing to pay even more each month in premiums to have more of your medical care expenses paid by insurance than a Bronze or Silver plan would pay. A Gold plan may be especially valuable to you if you or your family require frequent or extensive medical care. The national average Gold plan premium in 2020 for single coverage is $569. For family coverage, the average premium is $1,437 per month.

If you can afford to pay more in monthly premium costs in exchange for small medical expenses related to extensive, ongoing health care, the Platinum plan may be a good choice. In 2020, the Platinum plan premium averages $732 per month for single coverage and $1,610 per month for family coverage.

In addition to the metallic plan categories, some people are eligible to purchase a plan with catastrophic coverage. Catastrophic plans have very low premiums and very high annual deductibles ($8,150 in 2020). However, they pay for preventive care regardless of the deductible. These plans may be a suitable insurance option for young, healthy people. To qualify for a Catastrophic plan, you must be under age 30 or be of any age with a hardship exemption or affordability exemption (based on job-based or exchange insurance being unaffordable). Learn more about Catastrophic coverage.

How to find an affordable plan that meets your needs?

Among customers who bought ACA individual health insurance, more than 75% chose Bronze or Silver plans. Your state may host an exchange for comparing and purchasing ACA plans or it may use the federal exchange at Keep in mind, you aren’t limited to the exchange.

The licensed insurance brokers at Americas Healthcare Source can help you find the best health plan to meet your health coverage needs and your budget. They will listen to your priorities in health coverage and use their expertise to match your needs with health insurance options both on and off the exchange.

Can I lower my health insurance costs?

You can’t control when you get sick or injured, but you do have some control on how much you pay. While an Americas Healthcare Source agent can help you identify potential cost controls for your particular situation, here are some ways you may be able to lower your health insurance costs.

See if you’re eligible for government subsidies. If you buy your own health insurance, you may get help paying for it from a government assistance program. The Advanced Premium Tax Credit subsidy lowers your monthly premium payment. The Cost-Sharing Reductions program can lower the cost-share amount you pay for medical care. Both of these programs are designed to help people with limited incomes. You can use this tool to see if you are eligible for lower costs.

See if you’re eligible for Medicaid. Every state has a Medicaid program and Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) to provide health coverage to low income individuals and families. Contact your state Department of Insurance or Health Department to learn more about these programs and if you are eligible to enroll.

See if you are eligible for Medicare. You may be eligible for Medicare if you are age 65 or older—even if you are still working—or any age and disabled. The standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B (medical insurance) is $144.60 for 2020. Most people who have worked at least 10 years and paid Medicare taxes do not pay a Part A (hospital insurance) premium.

Choose a high deductible plan that pairs a health savings account (HSA). If you aren’t eligible for government assistance programs, you may save money with this insurance plan type. The premium is low for high-deductible plans and many plans pay for some preventive care. The HSAs are savings accounts that you use to pay for medical expenses not paid by your insurance. You save on taxes with a health savings account because the money you put in and take out is either tax-free or tax-deductible.

Buy a medical supplement plan and a high-deductible plan. You may be able to save money by choosing a high-deductible plan that will help pay your expenses if you are seriously ill or injured and a supplemental insurance plan. Supplemental insurance provides coverage for specific health conditions, such as accidents, types of critical care, disability, or death. Typically, the premiums for these types of plans average $25 – $50 per month and usually don’t have deductibles.

affordable health insurance

Monday, December 21, 2020

How to Sell Your Home Online

If you've been thinking about selling your home - especially on your own - it's really important to look at the opportunity to sell your home online.

Keep in mind that most people who are looking for a home turn to the web before they look for a real estate agent; they want to be able to get a feel for what's out there and available before they make the commitment. If your home isn't showing up when they look at online listings, you're going to miss a whole lot of prospective buyers.

Of course, selling your home online isn't always just as simple as setting up a website. Selling your home online means understanding that it's important to have your home show up on major real estate websites - and knowing that, when you sell with flat fee MLS it will show up there.

In order to sell your home online, in other words, it is still important to make sure that you've got your bases covered. Just putting your property information and pictures online isn't enough. You have to make sure your home is listed on sites that people, preferably home buyers, are spending time.

sell my property in spain

Sunday, December 20, 2020

What is Waist Training?


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Waist training is a way to sculpt your body using a steel boned corset to modify your waist and create a desired figure⁠—often into an accentuated hourglass or a flat, trim waistline.

Traditionally, waist training referred to the use of steel boned corsets to create an exaggerated hourglass shape for women. A corset is used because of its amazing laces that create a tighter and snugger fit, pulling in a woman's floating ribs and even doing a little bit of rearranging of internal organs so that the circumference of her waist is greatly reduced.

The same waist training idea can be applied to redefining a men's figure. While men might not be looking for that same accentuated hourglass shape as women, men can use a corset to flatten their stomach and create a more smooth and refined abdomen.

What is a Waist Trainer?

A waist trainer is a steel boned corset. Now, if you’re picturing the Kardashians wearing latex bands, read on.... If you’re picturing Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala, she was indeed wearing a steel boned corset to achieve her stunning curves!

Steel boned corsets are worn for many reasons and situations. Some people wear them as a fashion statement, while others wear a corset under clothing for back and posture support. However, many women are looking for that classic hourglass figure to really turn heads at a special event.

This waist reduction has nothing to do with losing weight, spot reducing or doing ab exercises while wearing a waist cincher. The hourglass figure is attained as a result of the moving of floating ribs and the reduction of space in the abdomen. The same idea works for men looking for a smoother, trimmer waistline.

Shop Waist Trainers for Beginners

What about Waist Cinchers and Waist Taming?

More recently, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose have redefined what the term “waist training” means, as they refer to latex waist cinchers that they use during their workouts. It's important to understand that these latex waist cinchers are not the same as a steel boned corset waist trainer.

Latex waist cinchers have no way to truly cinch them and even the firmest latex can't compare to stainless steel bones. Women discussing "waist training" these days are, more often than not, likely discussing it as a part of their workout plan with a cincher. A latex waist cincher on its own won’t be able to effectively modify your body shape and train your waist like a steel boned corset can, but they are great for working out or for modest shaping under clothing.

We refer to these latex waist bands as “cinchers” and the practice of using them, often when exercising, as “waist taming”.

We use the terms “waist trainers” and “waist training” to refer to the classic way that people have always trained their waist by using steel boned corsets.

Shop Latex Cinchers

What Results Can I Expect from Waist Training?


Shop Her Waist Trainer

The minute you lace into your corset you'll see an instant change in your shape. You’ll look a few sizes smaller and have a more defined waist and smoother figure. Of course, long-lasting changes to the shape of your waist while not wearing your corset won’t happen until after you waist train for a while.

Waist training results depend on a lot of factors. There isn't really a definitive answer that’s true for every person. Here are just a few factors:

How long do you wear your corset each day?

How often do you wear your corset?

How tightly laced is your corset?

Are you following a weight loss regimen, including diet or exercise?

How do your genetics play a role?

Even if we took two people that had the same waist measurement to start with and made sure that ALL the other variables were the same, they would still very likely have different results with waist training. Our bodies are so different, that there just isn't any way to predict results. It's like walking into a gym and asking them how much weight you will lose if you start working out there. Too many variables!

Do Waist Trainers Really Work?

Waist training has been around for hundreds of years because it works. See for yourself. Check out real life results from our customers!

Waist Training Before & After Results

See Real Results


Before: 29" Waist

After: 26" Waist

Corseted: 18" Waist in CS-411 Standard

We've also compiled a series of real life waist training stories. These stories contain specific information about people who have been waist training for a few months up to a few years. They have all successfully lost inches off their waist by wearing a steel boned corset for several hours each day, multiple days each week.

Ready to Get Started?

Get $10 Off Your 1st Trainer

Is Waist Training Permanent?

The effect of waist training is semi-permanent. So, kind of like semi-permanent hair dye, the effect will fade overtime unless it’s kept up. You’ll need to continue corseting even after a goal waist reduction has been achieved to maintain it.

We like to compare maintenance corseting to wearing a dental retainer after braces have been removed, doing some “maintenance” waist training after you have achieved your goals will help to maintain those results.


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Is Waist Training Dangerous?

If you are willing to use common sense and listen to your body, then, no, waist training is not dangerous. We suggest using safe and sane corsetry practices anytime you wear a corset, whether you're a serious waist trainer or you're simply wearing a corset as a complement to your fashion choice.

The conversation goes something like this: "Is your corset causing you pain?" If the answer is a resounding "YES!", then loosen it or take it off completely! The idea of no pain, no gain does not apply here.

A corset does not have to be uncomfortable to give you a gorgeous hourglass figure. Breaking in a corset, also known as seasoning, is important for the corset, but it's also a chance for your body to get used to wearing it. Slow and steady is the rule of thumb for waist training.

Is Waist Training Right for Me?


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Anybody can shape their waist by wearing a corset regularly when it's done right and with the right waist training corset for your body. You can absolutely work towards your waist slimming goals by waist training, especially if you pair it with a long-term fitness or weight loss routine.

It's super important that you ensure that your waist trainer is comfortable for you every time you lace up. We can help you find the right fit, the right style, and the right fabric to help you reach your goals. Or if you’d like to research more before chatting with our team, our corset sizing guides can help you choose your perfect fit.

Is Waist Training for Men?

Absolutely! Some of our most devoted waist training customers are men. Some work in office settings and they love the trimming, smoothing and posture lifting that their corset provides when hidden under their professional clothes. Some waist training men work manual jobs (including farming!) and they prefer the comfort of a well-fitting corset to an awkward, stiff and unflattering back brace.

We have designed waist training corsets for most any body type, from extreme hourglass curves to masculine figures, so that they work with anyone looking for a corset advantage--women, men, and also nonbinary and transitioning people. Corsets and waist training are truly for any body.


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Will a Waist Trainer Help Me Lose Weight?

There is no “corset diet”, but weight loss tends to happen when waist training regularly mainly because the corset also acts as an external LAP band, not allowing you to eat large quantities while wearing the corset.

We wish we could say that losing weight is as easy as lacing yourself into a corset, sadly it isn’t the case. However, your corset can be a helpful tool in your weight loss journey! Many people even like to use their corsets to help kickstart healthier eating habits and more active lifestyles.

Waist Training While Losing Weight

See Customer Results


Before: 35" Waist

After 1 Year: 31" Waist

Corseted in CS-426 Standard

Read more about losing weight while corseting and which waist trainers we recommend so you reach your weight loss goals.

How Soon Will I See Waist Training Results?

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Just like waist training results in general, how soon you will see changes to your body depends on a ton of factors. We’ve seen people with changes to their shape in as little as a month, but most take it slow and easy with their waist trainer. The longer you stick with it, the more dramatic results you will achieve.

We recommend that you plan on giving it a try for at least a couple of months and even much longer if you're looking for a dramatic change⁠—listening to your body, of course! The most important thing here is to have fun and listen to your body.

Waist training is a slow and steady process and it’s important that you enjoy the journey! Because waist training is semi-permanent, to maintain the changes to your figure, you'll want to use your corset for as long as you’d like to see results.

How Can I Get the Best Waist Training Results?

Waist training works best as part of a healthy lifestyle. Because it's a process, you should track your progress as you go and make sure to take photos regularly so you can see how your body is changing and keep you motivated. It also helps to join a supportive group to share the experience with, so join our private Facebook group!

Once you've worked up to it and have a fully seasoned corset, you’ll want to wear your waist training corset around 8 to 12 hours a day and regularly to see the best results. You might also notice that your appetite changes a little bit while you waist train, which will contribute to the results you achieve.

Find Your Waist Trainer

What Should I Expect When I Start Waist Training?

While every person's experience is different when just starting to waist train, here are some normal and unexpected surprises:

When you first put on a corset, it can be a little awkward but we'll walk you through it. Before long you'll be cinching like a pro.

You might notice changes to your appetite and you'll be less likely to overeat while wearing your corset. We encourage small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of 3 traditional meals.

It is best to start slow and slowly increase the amount of time that you're wearing your corset. In the beginning, most people can only wear their waist trainer for a few hours at a time. Comfort is key here!

You might be surprised by quick results. Waist trainers can help with smoothing and reducing bloating.

Your wardrobe might start changing a little bit as you learn how to use your corset as undergarment staple and, perhaps, a fashion accessory.

You might notice a change to your posture. Particularly if you are sitting at a desk or on your feet most of your day, you might notice that you sit or stand a bit straighter and that you engage your abdominal muscles a bit more than you used to.

You'll be surprised by how comfortable your corset will be after seasoning it. It will slide on and feel a little like a hug. Some people have noticed that they have felt less anxious when they wear their corset.

You might be surprised by many of the benefits of wearing a corset that you never even considered. Learn more about them and our customer experiences!

What Waist Trainers Are Best for Me?

We can't over-stress the importance of getting the right corset for your body and purpose. Your corset should fit you like a glove and should be super comfortable. It should also be made out of the right fabric for how you intend to wear it.

Check out our list of the best waist trainers for beginners and chat with our sizing experts (yes, real live people!) to make sure that you get the best fit possible.

The Best Waist Trainers for Beginners

More Waist Trainers


CS-411 Standard Corset in Mesh


CS-201 Waspie Corset in Mesh


CS-426 Longline Corset in Satin

What Size Waist Trainer Should I Buy?

Making sure that the size of your corset is the best for your goals is super important, particularly if you are intending to gain or lose weight in the near future. Postpartum anyone? Picking the wrong size or one that you will quickly size out of is uncomfortable and no fun!

To make sure you find the right corset size, our team of sizing experts is ready! Chat with us or take your measurements and we’ll send you a recommendation.

Your size is only half of the puzzle. The other important piece is to make sure you have a corset style that hugs your body top to bottom, so that you have the most comfortable fit possible and see real waist training results.

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What Corset Style is Best for Me?

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We are so happy that you asked! Picking the best corset style isn't about picking the cutest one⁠—although we do love hip ties! It's about finding the ideal fit for your body. Let's be honest, corsets aren't T-shirts, so the size and cut make all the difference. With the right corset style, you can devote yourself to waist training comfortably and stick with it to see the results you’re looking for.

The best way to make sure that you have the right corset style number is to chat with our awesome experts. Our team has worked with thousands of people just like you of all shapes and sizes and can help you find your corset. The best part? Finding your corset is as easy as chatting online.

We have many different corset styles specifically designed to fit most body types from slim and long to curvy and voluptuous to athletic and even masculine figures. Each corset style has a different style number and comes in a ton of different fabrics and colors. For even more customization, change up your laces for the perfect hue or check out our corset DIY designs!

How Do I Measure My Body for a Corset?

It's important to measure your body accurately so that you get the right corset size and style. Corset sizing and clothing sizes don’t correlate like you’d expect they would. Corsets are designed to hug your body unlike other clothing pieces, so knowing that you wear a size 14 pant or 38-C won't really help you find the right corset.

Taking your natural measurements seems daunting but you only need a mirror, a measuring tape (or a string and ruler for the MacGyver's out there) and to follow along!

To size your corset, you’ll need four main measurements:

When Should I Wear My Waist Trainer?

For the best waist training results, you’ll want to wear your corset regularly. Consistency and constancy will help you achieve your goals, above all though—listen to your body! When you just start out with waist training, you'll be wearing your corset for an hour or two and then you'll ramp up to longer periods in your corset, eventually up to eight or even 12 hours a day.

There are those that become very dedicated and waist train “23/7”, only removing their corsets to shower and exercise. Waist training isn’t a race though, you may notice days that you’ll want to only corset for a short time at a small reduction and maybe other days you’ll feel comfortable and excited to wear your corset for many hours at a time, possibly even tightening throughout the day. Those and all combinations in between are all the right answers to when and how often you should wear your new waist training corset!

Given that you'll be spending a lot of time in your corset while waist training, it's important that you get the right size and style for your body and purpose. If you'd like to show off your corset, we have styles that match most any fashion, including styles that you can wear to the office believe it or not!

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How Can I Hide My Waist Trainer Under My Clothes?

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If you're like many waist trainers and want to stealth by layering clothing over your corset to conceal it, we have styles that work great as undergarment corsets. A corset is a great foundational undergarment for pretty much any outfit. It's great for wearing under blouses, slacks, collared shirts and polos, skirts, and dresses.

Wearing a corset can give any outfit a little pop because it instantly improves your posture, smoothes, and provides curves in all the right places!

Should I Wear My Waist Trainer When I Exercise?

No! While latex waist cinchers are designed for wearing when doing exercise, a waist training corset should absolutely be taken off when exercising. Not only would it be uncomfortable to exercise in your corset, it will also bend the steel bones and potentially break the corset itself if you were to exercise in it.

If you'd like to slim your waist while exercising, we recommend one of our latex cinchers and would be happy to get you sized into the perfect one!

Can I Sleep in My Waist Trainer?

When you wear your waist trainer is kind of personal preference. Some people swear by wearing their waist trainer while they sleep because it's an easy, comfortable way to get waist training hours for the results they’re looking for literally while they sleep.

Most people prefer wearing their corset as a foundational piece while awake because it offers many other benefits when they're wearing it, like improving their posture, providing back support, and creating a slimming look and beautiful curves underneath their clothing.

We have found that a well-loved corset is more comfortable to sleep in than a new, stiff corset. You will also be more comfortable during the night if you choose to keep your corset laced less snug than if you were awake during the day. While our body is at rest, our body does most of its necessary digestion which can cause our stomachs to expand at night. We have been told that lacing your corset too tightly at bedtime can cause some unwanted bloating and indigestion.

If you're hoping to sleep in your waist trainer, make sure to talk with our sizing experts to make sure that you get the best and most comfortable corset for your body.

How Should I Take Care of My Corset?

Shop Corset Liners

If you love your corset as much as we do, you’ll want it to last as long as possible. The most important thing to remember is that you always want to wear a layer between your corset and your skin. We have comfy bamboo liners exactly for this purpose! (To be honest, we often wear these liners as a foundational garment even without a corset because they smooth so well and are super comfy.) A cotton camisole can work well here, too!

Storing your corset properly is very important! After you loosen your corset and remove it, we recommend hanging it over a hanger by the laces with the inner lining facing outwards. This will help your corset fully breathe and dry between wears. For long term storage and packing, we recommend gently rolling your corset and storing it inside our Corset Storage & Travel Case.

Cleaning your new steel boned corset is different than typical clothing. First things first: dry clean only! Between dry cleaning appointments, we recommend a damp cloth for spot cleaning and that you always wear a liner between you and your corset. You will be able to go longer between those cleanings if you keep the natural oils in your skin away from your corset as much as possible.

What Makes Orchard Corset Different?

If you made it this far you know how excited we are about corsets and waist training. For over 20 years we've been working with corset lovers and waist trainers⁠—from those just beginning to tight lacers. We also are corset wearers ourselves. Some of our team members have literally hundreds of corsets in their fashion quiver because we love them so much!

For us corsetry is more than a business, it's a way of life.

Our passion for corsetry shows up in our superior customer service and the care that we take in personally designing each of our products. We want you to have the best waist training experience possible and are committed to being here for you every step of your journey.

We’ll make sure that you purchase the right waist training corset for your body, that you start waist training safely for the results you’re looking for, and that you have support to help you on every step of your waist training journey. We’ve even created a private community of fellow waist trainers and corset lovers you can join to cheer you on!

But don't take our word for it. Read what our customers have to say about us. And chat with us if you have any questions or are ready to get started waist training!

waist training benefits

Thursday, December 17, 2020

David Lovely is a healthcare executive, investor and entrepreneur. He currently runs Health Testing Centers, LLC. One of the largest and oldest direct to consumer lab testing companies in the US. In this capacity, Lovely sold Health Testing Centers to LabCorp and then after 2 years re-acquired the firm. He is also the primary investor in a supplement company called Travel Vitamins (

Through his investment company, Lovely Ventures, Lovely has also made various real estate investments and maintains angel investor status in several ongoing start-ups.

Prior to working healthcare David Lovely was in the travel category. He co-founded Performance Media Group which was acquired by Northstar Travel Group. He was also an investor in various private aviation companies including OneSky Jets. Before becoming an investor/ entrepreneur he worked with Carl Icahn to help consolidate his various travel related businesses including, the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino and Maupintour. Lovely also spent time at Travel Agent Magazine, Cayman Airways and Certified Vacations.

Originally from New Haven, CT, David Lovely currently lives in Bucks County, PA on a bucolic farm with his wife and 4 kids.

David Lovely

Friday, December 11, 2020

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Friday, November 27, 2020

 By John Cardillo 

 When understanding how your body uses macronutrients for fuel its best to

 take a look back instead of taking a look forward.  Meaning, let's say you

 could take a ride on a time machine back to the age of our hunter-gatherer

 brethren.  Once you stepped off the time machine and took a look at the

 specimen that was once your relative, you would be shocked to see how

 impressively built they were.  Your ancient relative stood tall, was lean 

 and muscular, had broad shoulders, and could run down animals.  Most likely,

 your ancient relative was way more impressive looking than you are today in

 the 21st century, minus the long hair and loin cloth.  But how could this

 be?  This hunter-gatherer didn't have access to a gym, grocery store,

 personal trainer, or a fancy workout plan.  The physique of your

 hunter-gatherer brethren was the result of the lifestyle of the time.  Days

 that were filled with lots of walking and moving across great distances of

 terrain, gathering whatever edible plants and fruits one could find, setting

 up shelter, and hunting dangerous game.  Now before understanding how this

 hunter gather lifestyle plays into how your body uses macronutrients for

 fuel, you must understand that your body and physiology still thinks that it

 is the age of hunter-gatherers.  We simply have not had enough genetic

 mutations over the last 10,000-15,000 years; our bodies still believe it is

 15,000 BC. 

 The preferred energy source that your body wants to use is fat.  Fat yields

 9kcal of energy per gram, opposed to 4kcal of energy for carbohydrates and

 protein.  When your hunter-gatherer brethren were trekking across the tundra

 for dozens of miles per day, they were surely burning fat for energy.

 However, when it came time to chase down that animal that would become

 dinner, carbohydrates in the form of muscle glycogen would be used.  They

 key differences here lie in intensity.  For lower intensity activity, such

 as walking across vast distances of land, the preferred fuel source is fat,

 because it will give a longer steady level of energy.  For higher intensity

 activities, such as running down and killing an animal, carbohydrates become

 the main fuel source.  The premier source for fitness activity  of a high intensity nature is carbohydrates. However, the carbohydrate

 fuel source is limited and will not last nearly as long as fat.  A 170lb

 male has 3,500 grams of carbohydrate stored versus 70,000 grams of fat.

 This takes us back to trekking across the tundra.  If we were burning

carbohydrate we would run through our resources relatively quick and would

 have no fuel source for any high intensity activity, such fighting or

 hunting.  A hunter-gatherer's day revolved around lots of low intensity

 activity with bouts of high intensity activity.  For fuel sources, we rely

 on fat to fuel our low intensity activities and carbohydrates for high

 intensity activities.  

 Unfortunately, today our lifestyles and diets do not resemble anything close

 to those of our hunter-gather brethren.  Today we are cooped up inside all

 day sitting in front of a computer screen and are wreaking havoc on our

 physiology.  Despite sitting down and not receiving anything close to normal

 daily activity, our diets consist of great amounts of carbohydrates that are

 nutrition-less and do not fuel any high intensity activity.  This paradox is

 what has led to a great prevalence of obesity, with 70% of the population

 being classified as overweight or obese.  What people need to do is take a

 page out of the book of our hunter-gather brethren and introduce lots of low

 intensity daily activity, in the form of walking, gardening, standing, using

 a standing work-desk, cleaning, riding a bike.  After incorporating

 considerable increases in daily activity, we need to mix in bouts of high

 intensity, such as weight training, sprinting, jumping, boxing, or wrestling.

 The bouts of high intensity exercise will justify the carbohydrates that you

 are in taking.

 So what does this mean for you in regards to your training?  It means that

 you need to be more cognizant of how your physiology relies on primal human

 traits that are the result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.

 If you want to get your health back on track, shed excess body fat, look

 better, and feel better, then you need take steps to change your lifestyle,

 not just try to exercise a little differently.  

 Once you have gained a basic understanding of your physiology and understand

 the lifestyle changes that you need to make, you are ready to become a fat

 burning beast.  First, you must keep your blood glucose levels down,

 otherwise your body will prefer this fuel source because of its easy access,

 and will store excess glucose as adipose fat (the unsightly fat under your

 skin that you don't want!).  When keeping your glycemic load down by eating

 less sugary foods and fewer carbohydrates, your body will fuel itself with

 fats. Fat uses different metabolic pathways than carbohydrates and are

 broken down slowly in the gut by enzymes known as lipases.  Dietary fat is

 broken down into free fatty acids for energy.  These fats provide a powerful

 fuel source that can power your activity for long periods of time, depending

 upon the intensities of the activities you are doing.  

But what about adipose fat? The fat that is under your skin and makes you

look unsightly. Your body will use adipose fat for energy as well in a

 similar manor. Adipose fat is stored as readily available energy in the form

 of triglycerides.  When you are doing activity and have burned through

 dietary fat and carbohydrates, your body will now use a process called

 lipolysis to use adipose fat for energy.  Again, this is not the preferred

fuel source during high intensity activity, but it is a fuel source that can

 provide seemingly endless supplies of energy.  The same energy that was

 needed 15,000 years ago for our hunter-gatherer brethren that may not have

 been able to eat for days at a time before they landed a big hunt.  Once you

 have reached this state of energy metabolism, you are becoming a fat burning

 beast.  This however, does not mean that you should constantly starve

 yourself to train, carbohydrates and protein play vital roles in health.

 One needs to understand how to properly use carbohydrates and protein to

 fuel and recover so they do not go into a circle of weight-loss and


 So as a science, how exactly do you get into your fat burning zone?  It

still depends on intensity, and the substrate source that is readily

 available.  To understand intensities, there are two simple measuring points

 you should know, VO2max and heart rate.  VO2max is simply the maximum amount

 of oxygen that you can consume to keep up with metabolic demands, the harder

 you work, the more oxygen you are going to need.  Gaging  hear rate is also

fairly simple, the harder you work the faster your heart is going to pump in

 order to keep up with demands, and your maximum  heart rate is defined as 220 less your age.

 In a fasted stated, fat is going to be the predominate fuel source.  During

 rest to very low intensity activity (25% VO2max) your body uses primarily

 (85%) FFAs (free fatty acids) that are found in the blood stream.  As

 intensities increase (65%VO2max), your body will use about half FFAs in the

 blood stream and half intramuscular triglycerides.  This 65% Vo2 max sweet spot is the zone where you will be specifically burning fat.  You are now consuming oxygen at fairly high rate, meaning you are breathing heavy but not gasping for air. What you should know is that your body wants to hold on

 to stored muscle glycogen for the absolute most important times.  Times

 where you need to run away from that sabertooth tiger or sprint down an elk

 to go in for the kill.  That is why your body is not using glycogen all day

 long to fuel you for average tasks.  With increasing intensities (85% VO2max

 or higher), your body is now going to use about 1/3 fat for energy and 2/3

 stored carbohydrate for energy.  The fat that is going to be used during

 these high intensities is intramuscular triglycerides, and the carbohydrates

 are going to be stored muscle glycogen.  Typically, this is where you see a

 decrease in performance with prolonged activity (>30 mins), because your

 carbohydrate stores are limited and fat is not a great fuel source for high

 intensity activity.  The exact term is called beta oxidation (slow

 glycolysis), as part of the aerobic energy system.  The process takes place

 in the cell mitochondria after fat has been broken down into acetyl CoA.

Here, oxidized fat (acetyl CoA) goes through the krebs cycle and then the

 electron transport chain to yield ATP to fuel your body.  

 What's an easy way to know you are in the fat burning zone? Well there is an

 equation for that; it's called the 180 formula.  One simply subtracts their

 age from 180.  This is not to be confused with the max heart rate formula,

 which is 220 minus your age.  Now you subtract your age from 180 giving you

 a much lower number.  This is your aerobic fat burning zone.  There are a

 few modifications that must be taken into consideration.  If you have any

 health problems such as injury, obesity, allergies, asthma, two or more

 bouts of the flu per year, or have been inconsistent with training, you add

 an additional 5 to the number that you subtract.  If you have been training

 consistently for four days a week for over two years you will only subtract

 5 from your age.  An example being a man who is 32 years old who has trained

 consistently for over two years; (180-27=153).  For this person, their fat

 burning heart rate zone is 153.  An easy way to know you are in this zone is

 if you can have a conversation with someone while you are doing cardio and

 you do not feel out of breath.  If you want to use V02 max as a gauge, there

 is a simple way to do so, you can run a mile and a half as hard as you can,

 then measure time to your sex/age/bodyweight. This

 means that your pushing enough oxygen through your body that you are just

 burning fat. At first, this heart rate might seem way too low to effectively

 burn fat, however, you have not become an effective fat burner at this

 stage.  You may only be able to run 12-minute miles during this period. Over

 time, your body will become efficient at training in this zone and your time

 could drop to as low as 7-minute miles all at the same heart rate.  When

 this is accomplished, you have become an effective fat burner and your body’s metabolic engine will have a seemingly endless fuel tank.

John Cardillo

What are the top 10 crypto advertising networks in 2020 as alternatives to SEO, Google, and Facebook?

Thanks to the popularity of cryptocurrency coupled with blanket bans by Facebook and Google on crypto-related ads dating back to 2018, there are now dedicated bitcoin ad networks that allow you to display crypto-related ads on your site and earn bitcoin. Ad networks may differ in several parameters such as which websites they allow on their network, their payout frequency, cryptocurrency support, Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, customer support ratings, and more. Based on volume and domain authority, here are the top 10 crypto advertising networks in 2020 as alternatives to SEO, Google, and Facebook. The most popular is Brave Network, which pays out to publishers in Basic Attention Tokens (BAT). Brave has a $328 million market cap and in November 2019 Brave launched an ad network which returns a 70% back to its users. The next most popular bitcoin advertising network—according to a 99 Bitcoins ranking—is Romania-based Coinzilla, followed by CoinTraffic, Bitmedia, CoinAds, A-Ads, AdBit, Mellow Ads, CoinMedia, and Adconity. Nearly all of these project were founded to promote advertising partnerships in the crypto niche and help digital exchanges accelerate their marketing efforts with lower risk. At Coinzilla, for example, they provide classic banner ads, native ads, pop-ups, as well as a crypto-powered marketplace to publish content across leading websites with a white-glove experience.

buy gift cards

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Hiring a Social Media Manager: 21 Questions to Ask

The Social Media Manager is becoming the go-to person for businesses who require assistance with their online marketing efforts. It's no secret the impact social marketing can have on a business and the advantages its brings. And it's also no secret that most business owners cannot handle their social marketing all on their own.

A Social Media Manager does a whole lot more than just posting status updates on profiles. Social media management encompasses figuring out the who, the what, the when and why. Who does your business want to reach? What is needed to reach them? Where are they most active? Why should we use social media as part of our marketing efforts? Many businesses are finding that outsourcing or hiring someone to manage their campaigns is becoming an important part of using social media for marketing. An outside individual can usually see the bigger picture more clearly.

Social media management is a position that has attracted a huge amount of attention and membership in recent years. I see the main reasons for its popularity as:

- Low entry barriers

- A high demand for the services

- Big rewards

But is it really for everyone? Honestly, there are now a lot of social media managers. Some very, very good. Some really, really bad. So how do you filter out the bad ones and find the good ones? Well, the good social media managers will know their stuff and they understand what it takes to be successful.

Here are 21 questions you can ask your potential social media manager and what the better answers should look like...

1. How do you define success?

The amount of followers isn't the only sign of success in social marketing. A social media manager should be able to help you define success on a strategic and tactical level, in order to support your larger marketing goals. If a social media manager has a limited view of success, or is unable to explain performance measurement beyond the volume of audiences, they won't be able to provide you with higher level strategic solutions.

2. What sort of results can we expect?

A good social media manager will manage your expectations and let you know what results you could achieve. Remember that social media managers are not psychics. They should act on your behalf using the best practices of the industry, but there is a lot that is out of their control. They should be able to give you a rough idea of what they bring to the table based on their previous results and experiences. If a social media manager cannot communicate this effectively to you, then they probably don't have the level of experience you need.

3. How is ROI defined in social marketing?

Contrary to popular thinking, ROI can always be measured in social marketing. But it can be perceptual. What are your goals? Were they achieved? If so, then you had a positive ROI. Did your campaigns help your business in any way or have any positive effects? If they did, then you were successful. Social marketing ROI is not always tied to tangible business benefits. Ask the social media manager which factors can be measured and how they will be reported to demonstrate the value they bring to your business.

4. What social platforms do you specialise in? Why would these particular platforms be right for our business?

Different social networks have different audiences and practices. Not every network is right for every business or industry. For example, how could a pharmaceutical company possibly engage in drug marketing on Twitter? The reality is that most businesses can take advantage of the networks out there in some way, but if there are limitations, you want your social media manager to be aware of them.

5. Should we be on every social platform?

A social media manager who has done their research on your business should know your target audience. How this is answered is the key because it provides you with an instant understanding of their perceptions of your business. If a social media manager extends your business visibility to many networks, then your marketing efforts may spread too thin and mean some of the campaigns might suffer. They should pick where your target audience is already situated and focus on maximising performance on those platforms.

6. Would Google+ be worth using for our business?

This should highlight the extent of your potential social media managers Google+ knowledge. Google indexes Google+ content faster than content posted anywhere else. It's a platform that has grown rapidly since its launch in 2011 and is now one of the main social platforms. A social media manager should know this and should understand whether your target audience is present there, thus viable for your business, and how Google+ can be leveraged to fulfill your wider marketing objectives.

7. Could you give us an example of a limitation on a social platform that you have experienced? How did you overcome this?

A social media manager should know that social networks come with limitations; API calls, bandwidth limitations, character limits etc... If a social manager has never run into limitations and hasn't experienced how to overcome them, then this likely means that they are not very experienced. In fact, they will probably be completely new to the social landscape. Asking how they overcome any hurdles with their past or current clients will give you a good indication of how they respond to adversity.

8. Can we run a "Like and Share to Win" style contest on our Facebook page?

If a social media manager does not know the answer to this, then move on. Its imperative you find someone who knows the rules and guidelines of each and every social platform and who will not have your business in violation of any Terms of Service. As a heads up, on Facebook you have to use a third-party app to host the contest and cannot use the 'Share' button, 'Like' button or require a comment in order to be entered to win.

9. Have you ever had to handle a social marketing crisis? If so, could you provide an example?

Asking a social media manager to define what that 'crisis' means to them can highlight their level of experience. If their biggest crisis consists of miss-typing a URL on a Pinterest pin and not noticing until their client asks why there's so many messages about broken links, then chances are they are vastly inexperienced. It's also insightful to ask what steps they took to resolve the crisis and how the situation was handled.

10. Could you show us some of the clients or projects you are currently working with?

Any reputable social media manager will show you their client accounts. And be proud to do so. Some profiles will probably be doing better than others depending on each campaigns goals and strategies. If they dodge the question or cannot show you anything, then it should rightfully lead you to think they are hiding something. Social media managers who take pride in doing quality work should want to show you their portfolio. Imagine turning up to a sales pitch without a product sample. Clients would never even think about placing an order unless they can see what they are buying.

11. How would you allocate our social marketing advertising budget?

A social media manager should be able to describe a plan for how best to allocate your advertising budget and how they would know if it's successful. Specific metrics and KPIs should be given, analysed and reported. The choice of advertising platform will also allow you to gauge their perception of where they think your business should be promoted, in what format and to what audiences.

12. What will our responsibilities be as a client?

A social media manager doesn't operate in a vacuum. They will need to be in the loop with your other marketing activities. You'll also need to provide any necessary resources and wider marketing information or materials. A social media manager should have clear guidelines for their role, and yours as a client. This should typically be communicated to you prior to establishing a working relationship.

13. What are our competitors doing in social marketing?

Any social media manager who values your work opportunity will do initial research before sitting down with you. If they doesn't know what your competitors are doing, it should raise alarm bells. A social media manager should be able to give you insight into the way your competitors are using the major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube right from the offset. This can always be researched fully later, but will give you an idea into their proactiveness and organisation.

14. How do you evaluate new social platforms? How do you stay on top of the latest updates and innovations in Social Marketing?

The social landscape is always changing. Even the most experienced social media managers need to refine their skills, update their strategies and practice new techniques. A social media manager should have experience with building engagement and showing results across multiple platforms and with several different tools. There are some platforms considered to be the juggernauts right now, but remember the days of AOL, MySpace and eBay? Would you hire a social media manager who pitched engaging your I.T customers on MySpace? I doubt it. The point is that the social landscape is dynamic and a social media manager should be constantly evaluating new platforms and making recommendations to you on whether they are suitable for you to explore.

15. Do you offer community management in your Social Marketing services?

Social engagement doesn't end when you publish your Facebook page. In fact, creating profiles is often the 'easiest' part of the process. The execution of the community management strategies that follows is the more difficult (and more expensive) element. It is important to know how your social media manager approaches community management and what strategies and tactics they will use to interact with your audiences. If you don't know this, then you will have no clue on how they will manage your brand online. You should have guidance and offer feedback into how your business is positioned and wants to be perceived online.

16. Do you have your own blog? Do you currently write content for various Social platforms?

Social media managers should practice what they preach. You can ask to see their blog in action and see if they are posting regularly. Being a social media manager is about so much more than updating Facebook and Twitter. Content should be balanced, otherwise your social streams will either be giant advertisements or lists of interesting articles that they came across. A good social media manager will be able to write effectively, allowing you to have a constant stream of interesting and engaging articles. They will also be SEO savvy and content will be optimised to have the right keywords in the right place, ultimately linking back to your business. You can ask to see what articles they have already written so you can determine whether or not their style of writing would fit your business.

17. What blogs or social sites do you regularly read?

Social marketing is always evolving and effectively marketing on social platforms can be a bit like trying to hit a moving target. Google+, for example, had become a commonly used tool for 40% of marketers within only a year of launch. That is a huge gain in such a small space of time. This is just how social marketing works. New blogs and social sites come and go within the blink of an eye. A good social media manager should stay on top of these changes, which means a lot of reading. They should be able to list multiple reputable social sites and explain why it is they follow them.

18. What is your understanding of Edgerank?

Social media managers that know their trade will be able to explain about Edgerank to you. Edgerank is basically what runs Facebook posts. Without knowledge of this, they will have little insights into how to properly optimise Facebook campaigns. Edgerank determines who sees what, when they see it and how often it's seen. It also provides a good picture into their technical knowledge and understanding of social marketing.

19. What do you think is the most important thing a Social Media Manager should be doing?

A solid answer you should look for would be something along the lines of 'monitoring' and/or 'listening' to your audiences within your social domains. It's quite an ambiguous question, but the answers will provide insight into their general thinking about managing your social campaigns. The key word many fail to incorporate is social. If answers are not somewhat geared towards a social dynamic, then they have missed the point completely.

20. Could you tell us a story?

These type of answers are commonly used in interview processes to see how someone reacts to a random question. In this instance, it's actually a well-thought out question for two reasons. Firstly, if a social media manager has the ability to tell a compelling story, that will give you a huge advantage in all levels of your social marketing activities. Secondly, it puts them under pressure and you are able to gauge how they handle something unexpected.

21. Why should we hire you?

I honestly don't like this question but I think it is fair to ask a social media manager this directly before hiring in order to see how they can sell themselves. This could have strong implications if your campaigns are tuned towards sales and lead generation. A social media manager should demonstrate how valuable they can be to you and what makes them different or valuable in your situation.

There are definitely more questions that could be asked. Some will no doubt be specific to your business or industry. Hopefully, asking questions like these will help you determine the right social media manager for your business.

Social Media

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The world’s most opulent brands have joined with Miami’s prominent developers to elevate our skyline

Miami’s developers have been in the business for years, but the latest industry trend of partnering with an international brand lends to a different collaboration with creative minds that see real estate from a different perspective. So whether it’s a luxury sports carmaker or fashion mogul, labels are flocking to our skyline to create standout, sophisticated flagship properties that are captivating the world.

Missoni Baia

The Italian fashion brand’s emblematic kaleidoscope of colors takes on a new form at this Edgewater property. The label’s first U.S. residential collaboration came to fruition because developer Vladislav Doronin, chairman and CEO of OKO Group, and co-developer / development partner, Cain International, appreciated Missoni’s internationally acclaimed brand. “Branding is very important. It helps identify the concept for the buyer,” said Edgardo Defortuna, president and CEO of Fortune International Group, which is in charge of sales. Through that relationship based on communication, mutual respect and shared tastes, the team created the soul of the building through the eyes of Missoni. The brand’s bold shades, textures, graphic prints and furnishings are found throughout, adding an elevated level of joyful sophistication. The boutique property, which will be completed in 2021, boasts lavish homes in the sky and was designed to feel intimate and private.

Fendi Château

The famed Italian fashion house fell in love with The Château Group’s vision for this project during a fortuitous Art Basel encounter several years ago. The property was already conceived, but Fendi was eager to create a flagship property in Miami. “We’re proud to be the first to develop a Fendi property and be a part of their growth,” said Manuel Grosskopf, CEO of The Château Group. With decades of real estate experience Grosskopf saw the rising interest from buyers to align their purchases with brands they are loyal to and thus was open to co-branding the property with Fendi. “Miami has international buyers who are brand-oriented and identify with high-end brands.” The 12-story boutique building, which was delivered in 2016, boasts custom Fendi kitchens in each unit and plenty of luxe amenities including a wine cellar, private restaurant and full chef kitchen to host exclusive dinner parties.

The Estates at Acqualina (Lobbies designed by Karl Lagerfeld)

When The Trump Group (no relation to POTUS) owners, Jules and Stephanie, traveled to Paris to meet the legendary Chanel and Fendi designer, they never imaged they were commissioning the only Karl Lagerfeld-designed residential lobbies to ever exist in the country. “We built the world’s finest residences, and when he saw what we were doing, it was a match made in heaven,” said Michael Goldstein, president of sales for The Trump Group. Lagerfeld got to work right away, sketching his vision for the lobbies at that first meeting. “He knew what he wanted and he created it.” The audacious designer’s impeccable eye for detail and ability to create a one-of-a-kind recherché setting is seen throughout the two lobbies including 12-foot glass panels that are etched with Lagerfeld’s personal photos of Roman fountains, parquet-pattern floors made of cutting-edge silvered hammered metal, silver-leafed walls textured with swans, mosaic tile designs that resemble intricate rugs, and flowing fountains surrounded by lush blooming flowers. Although it’s unfortunate the designer will never see his designs come to life, his team continues to be heavily involved in the project. The South Tower is set for completion in 2021, with the North Tower, or Boutique Tower, completed in 2022.

Residences by Armani/Casa

Armani isn’t just a clothing brand. It’s a lifestyle company that was fully immersed in the design of its first branded condo tower. Co-developed by Dezer Development and Related Group, the waterfront project boasts timeless Armani/Casa interiors including stunning wall coverings, exquisite furniture, elegant tapestries and rich textiles. “When a building is tied to a quality product, like a luxury brand, buyers know what to expect and can relate to the design aesthetic,” said Gil Dezer, president of Dezer Development. With years of real estate experience, Dezer encountered an unprecedented request from the Italian brand; a contracted gemologist oversaw the work at the marble quarry to ensure flawless slabs. The common areas, designed as immersive works of art, include a private restaurant, cocktail lounge and spa while the private spaces feature spacious closets (imperative for the fashion label), wraparound balconies and restorative oceanfront views.

Porsche Design Tower Miami

The relationship with the luxury carmaker started nearly a decade before Dezer Development turned an idea to build the first Porsche Design residential tower into a soaring reality. Just like Armani is more than a clothing brand, Porsche designs much more than high-performance sports cars, including coffee makers, pens and even trains. “They are industrial designers and design on another level,” developer Gil Dezer said. According to Dezer, for a branded residence to be successful the brand needs to match the property in terms of price points, unit size and exclusive amenities. Its most striking feature, the car elevator, has been an attractive amenity for celebrities including Gucci Mane, Maluma and Lionel Messi. The Sunny Isles Beach building’s contemporary interiors echo those of the German autos with rich woods, cool metals and supple leathers, plus each unit has a private plunge pool on the balcony.

Hopping across the pond, the British luxury sports car manufacturer has partnered with G&G Business Developments to bring its first residential project to Miami. “Aston Martin has defined handcrafted luxury within the automotive world for over a century. We’ve translated its precision engineering and design innovation into a luxury residential property that tells a story of classic beauty and heritage. Working with a partner that shares our vision and adds value with its insight into the ultra-luxury world is incredibly satisfying,” said German Coto, CEO of G&G Business Developments. Aston Martin’s key concepts of impeccable design, craftsmanship, luxe materials and timeless sophistication will be seen, felt and experienced throughout the sail-shaped property, which is expected to be completed in 2022. The property will feature 42,275 square feet of sky amenities over four floors and a bespoke white-glove butler service for residences.

Restaurant Branding

Saturday, November 21, 2020

How to Choose a Wedding Videographer? Why bother reading an article on How to Choose a Wedding Videographer? After all, you just look at his (or her) footage and size up their personality, fees and plans, then make your choice, right? Right. And that's how the majority of weddings get ruined - or at least have the "Fun Meter" turned way, way down! That's right, four out of five weddings are ruined by the wedding Videographer. So, if you don't want your wedding Videographer ruining your wedding, read on..

Wedding Videographer Styles of Operation There is a time for posed, formal videofooatge - at your photo session. Often there are two photo sessions, one held before the ceremony, with guys and gals kept separate, and one held after the ceremony. In my opinion, a wedding Videographer should be told that this is the only chance to get posed footage and that he must be good enough to capture all other footage as though he were a professional event Videographer - oh wait, he IS (supposed to be) a professional event Videographer. Event Videographers and photographers are supposed to be able to unobtrusively record an event without interrupting it to stage and pose for footage, etc.

Puppeteers Unfortunately, most brides are unaware of this little fact. After all, she only has to choose a wedding Videographer once in her life (hopefully). So what happens when she hires a wedding Videographer who cannot shoot like an event Videographer? One who thinks he must be in charge of everything and that every shot must be posed in order to get a smooth and easy montage. I'm glad you asked, because now we're getting to the whole purpose of this article. These guys act like puppeteers with you and your groom as the puppets. You are never left alone to enjoy your day. There will be no casual footage of you and your groom, friends and family having a great time, partly because all footage will be staged and partly because the wedding Videographers will make it difficult for people to have a great time.

It begins while the bride and bridesmaids are getting ready. Some Videographers will come into the room and stay out of the way and quietly get some casual shots, then ask for a few posed shots, then leave. Those are the pros. Unfortunately, most are not pros and will hover over the bride and bridesmaids, constantly harassing them for posed shots, so that the bride and her friends can hardly find any time to chat freely and enjoy the moment.

The Wedding Ceremony During the ceremony, a time that should have reverence, a time that should belong to you and your groom, I see these wedding Videographers continually turning their video lights on and off and walking back and forth in front of guests. They seem to be doing a much better job of distracting your guests than of getting good shots. A professional wedding / event Videographer should be able to cover this from a tripod further back in the room, using a telephoto lens and without lights. He should not be moving about and distracting people. The purpose and focus of a wedding ceremony should be you, your groom and your guests - not a wedding Videographer (and not a wedding photographer either).

Photo Session I've seen after-ceremony photo sessions run two hours and longer. By that time, guests at the reception had grown tired of waiting and had begun leaving. This is not the way you want your wedding remembered! A real "pro" Videographer will extend the photo session less than 10 minutes to get some special video footage.

Reception This is where it really gets bad! Wedding Videographers know they need good shots of the main events - grand entrance; first dances; cake-cutting; toasts; bouquet toss; garter toss; etc. A true professional wedding Videographer will get these shots "casual style" by staying out of the way, yet close enough to get the shots. You, your groom and guests will see he is there and there will be camera lights, but he won't be really distracting or obtrusive.

However, the majority I've seen are not pros and they have no confidence in their ability to get these shots without staging them. They will not let you and your groom enjoy things like cake-cutting and toasts without trying to manipulate you both as though you were puppets. Imagine going through your reception while constantly being told what to do by the wedding Videographer! This isn't a "wedding reception", this is a "modeling session"!

I am constantly amazed at the way brides and grooms meekly allow this to happen, then rail angrily about it afterward. Sure, you'll get your video - but will you and your groom really look happy?

These wedding Videographers will hover over you so closely that your guests probably won't get a very good view of the major reception events. Your wedding photographers will have to be magicians or use three or four cameras throughout your reception in order to have any chance of getting some shots that don't include your wedding Videographer.

But the real "pros" can get great shots without manipulating you through all your events and without unduly distracting your guests. Don't take chances - demand that your wedding Videographers and photographers work from a twelve to fifteen foot radius, allowing you some breathing room and your guests some viewing room.

How Does Your Wedding Videographer Dress? I am constantly amazed at the way many wedding Videographers come dressed for weddings. A true professional will wear all black for most weddings, so that he is unobtrusive and so that he is not mistaken for a guest. He may wear light tan at a beach wedding, for the same reasons. Another consideration is that your family and guests will be taking photos and a wedding Videographer dressed in loud colors or black and white polka-dots will be quite distracting in these photos.

How is Your Wedding Photographer Being Paid? Most wedding photography plans are structured so that the more photos they have that you want, the more money they make. I've been told more than once that many wedding Videographers consider the wedding videographer as their competition. If the wedding video doesn't come out well, then the photos are the only remembrance products the bride can choose from and the Videographer will sell more photos. However, their thinking goes, if the wedding video comes out great, then the bride may not want to buy more wedding photos.

This is why many wedding Videographers purposely get in front of the video cameras at every opportunity. I know this sounds incredible, but I have footage of photographers aggressively getting in front of video cameras. I have many times seen footage from an unmanned video camera where a photographer is standing to one side, looks over his shoulder to see just where the video camera is, then repositions himself to block its view better!

Most wedding videographers plans are flat fees that change only if the hours change. But saying that, most professional photographers understand that videographers and photographers are here to do whatever we can to please our client - the bride and groom, and therefore we extend every courtesy to the photographers.

SUMMARY - What Should You Do? Sit down with several wedding Videographers that you've pre-screened and discuss this article and your feelings about it, with them. Listen closely to what they say and how they say it. It takes training and experience to cover an event like a wedding, and get great shots while being unobtrusive. In short, it takes a 'pro'.

Unfortunately, both the wedding photography and wedding videography fields are full of amateurs, hobbyists and even experienced people who have been doing things wrong for years. Finding a real 'pro' is not an easy task. You will have to invest some time and effort, but it will pay off tremendously!

Remember - this is supposed to be YOUR DAY, not the Videographer's day! More than anything else, your choice of a wedding Videographer will determine how YOUR DAY turns out. "How to Choose a Wedding Videographer" may be the most important reading you do before your wedding.

 wedding videographer

Magyarországon a leggyakoribb fűtési rendszerek a következők: gázcirkó és gázkazán, szilárd tüzelésű kazán, napelemes fűtés, infrafűtés, és a hőszivattyú. Elektromos kazán lakossági felhasználásban nincs.

A gázcirkó olyan fűtési típus, aminél egy központi kazán termeli a hőt. Tartozik hozzá egy keringető rendszer, amikhez a csöveket és a hőleadó egységeket kötik. Ez a berendezés a csövekben körbe-körbe forgatja a meleg vizet, így a kazánban felvett hőmennyiséget máshol adja le a folyadék. Manapság, új építésű fűtési rendszerek esetében már csak kondenzációs gázkazán építhető be, ami az égéstermék egy részéből vissza tudja nyerni a hőt.

A szilárd tüzelésű kazánok leginkább olyan helyeken elterjedtek, ahol nincs kiépítve gázhálózat. Szinte bármilyen tüzelőanyaggal használhatók: fa, brikett, szén vagy hasonlók. Modern változatuk a faelgázosító kazán. Ennek a kazántípusnak két külön égéstere van. Az egyikben történik a faanyag tökéletlen égése, a másikban pedig a szénmonoxidot és szénhidrogéneket tartalmazó füstgáz hasznosítása. A vegyes tüzelésű kazánokban szilárd tüzelőanyaggal vagy gázzal is lehet fűteni.

A napelemekkel való fűtés az egyik legmodernebb megoldás. Itt el kell, hogy mondjuk, hogy a felhős és hidegebb időszakokban nem mindig elegendő az általa megtermelt energia. Az viszont elég vonzó, hogy hosszútávon visszahozhatja az árát a fűtési költség nullázásával

Az infrafűtés olyan fűtési technológia, ahol az elektromos áramból infravörös tartományba tartozó hőhullám készül. A szétterjedő hullám felmelegíti a tárgyakat. Eléggé hasonlít a napsugár melegéhez. Kétféleképp lehet alkalmazni. Vagy fűtőpaneleket helyezünk el a mennyezeten vagy falakon, melyek az adott helyiséget melegítik. Vagy pedig a padlóba építhető be, amivel padlófűtést hozunk létre.

A hőszivattyúval ellátott fűtési rendszer a természetben begyűjtött hőt juttatja be az épületbe. Speciális gázzal működik úgy, hogy azt összenyomja és elpárologtatja. Többféle típusa létezik. A szállított hőmennyiség származhat levegő, víz vagy más közeg közé helyezett csövekből.

A korszerű fűtési rendszerek nagy előnye abszolút abban mutatkozik meg, hogy a használat során komoly költségcsökkentést tudunk véghez vinni. Több megoldás áll rendelkezésre, és még a legolcsóbbnak a kiépítése is komolyabb összeget jelent. Ezért tényleg fontos alaposan megfontolni, hogy melyik számunkra a legjobb megoldás.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Designing Custom Dinnerware Pattern

The handmade plates are always a symbol of beauty when they are made from sturdy and solid ceramic. Most handmade plates are available with an 8¡± diameter which is ordered to be printed with a unique method which makes sure there is a vibrant and crisp permanent finish. Specialized for being used as ornament or serving plates, our custom dinnerware has classic designs having a small shallow depression and a wide lip.

Displaying these plates is a doddle since they are accompanied with back folding plastic stands. Your artwork colors are well depicted using their glory, definition and boldness. Front of your plate is where designs are printed while the back remains clear and neutral which is a perfect contrast. The ones made with ceramic have small stand shallow depression, durable high quality, hard wearing, and a vibrant print.

How Plate Printing Works

Your design is the main factor. After being uploaded on the manufacturer¡¯s interface, then they begin the production process. Specialists experienced to print custom dinnerware will always ensure the designs are of high quality, and in a long lasting print. The technology has brought printing method which will maintain your artwork for a long period, provided instructions on care are followed. The base tone being brilliantly white, they make color to be pretty beautiful and vibrant.

Care Instructions

The custom dinnerware is always robust and sturdy, but they should be taken care to make them perfect. You should not use these plates in dishing up meals which need cutlery usage, since persistent scratching may deflect and affect the printed beauty. If this dinnerware is used for food, then it will be better if you maintain them to be serving dishes, for meals like bread, cheese, crackers, among various nice nibbles. You are supposed to hand-wash those plates so that you may preserve their print since they are not safe when washed with a dishwasher.

Design Tips

For the one who has needed getting the perfect design of dishes set, he knows exactly the way the process can frustrate. If you are not getting the dinnerware which meets your taste and requirement, you need to try and design a custom dinnerware duty of your own. You will not only get the dinnerware set but also you will become creative.

The designs you make are edge printed in a stunning HD quality. Due to these, you will get a large surface where you can print on. There is a single statement design which can jump off the plates. There are also several images you may decide on with typography on top too to get a unique finish. 

Below are the materials you can use when designing custom dinnerware:

? Porcelain paint marker, are the ceramic markers.

? Plain white dishes.

? Bowls.

? Teacups and mugs.

? An oven.

? A porcelain pen.

? Plain-white dishware.

Porcelain markers paint designed specifically for dinnerware and porcelain. The pens are available in the store of arts and crafts. You can buy them as a single or in a package.

Reinventing Your Custom dinnerware

When designing your dinnerware, you are free to use whichever criteria that may be interesting to you and brings a perfect design. Allow yourself space to do what you like since it will be satisfying and easy just like when you rearrange home furniture. Some of the things you can do during designing may be:

1. Eclectic Dinner Party

You can be thoughtful in mixing and matching your electric dinnerware collections to control chaos. You only need to have a color scheme that you will establish, shich allows styles, patterns, and shapes mishmash in your table.

2. Painted Coffee Mug

You should select the mug you love, tape the mug portion that you need to remain clear, then liberally paint the other side. You can use ceramic food-safe paint even if it is painted outside the mug.

3. Silverware for yourself

If you have mismatched flatware, break the spray paint then instantly boost your cutlery which may spark great ideas. You can try the idea on your casual flatware which is used in entertainment or second home.

4. Stencil Plate 

You can decide to turn a plate to the canvas to get the expression. You only need paint, stencil and an old, good sharpie. Permanent marker makes the designs durable even when washed using dishwashers.

5. Forks 

You can provide your flatware big-time bling only with some spray adhesives. You, however, need to hand-wash them to preserve the fabulous decorations.

6. Simple Place Setting

Mostly the things that strike most are just simple. You can make the custom dinnerware design you want only with dishwasher-safe paint ceramic and the fine-tipped paintbrush. If you are not familiar with a paintbrush, use ceramic paint pen since it functions equally the same.

7. Cake Stands

When you assemble the parts to a cake plate, is the best way of using them in new configurations. 

Designing dinnerware for yourself is the best idea that brings something that you want and can make you more creative. Or, if you don¡¯t have enough time to design for you own and you need the numerous special custom dinnerwares immediately, finding a good custom dinnerware wholesaler is a wise choice.

wholesale dinnerware suppliers

Ако искате качествено спално бельо и не знаете точно от къде да поръчате

Ако искате качествено спално бельо и не знаете точно от къде да поръчате, ние сме тук да помогнем с избора Ви. В последните години българският пазар се напълни с много онлайн предложения за спално бельо и всички изглеждат добре. Как да направим правилния избор? На какво да обърнем Внимание? Ето няколко практични и полезни съвети при избор на спално бельо за дома Ви:

- Първо изберете материята. Има голям избор от материи, коя от коя по хубави и всяка със своите предимства. Като започнем от микрофибър и завършим с коприна по ценова скала. Спалното бельо от памук е винаги добър и разумен избор, защото памукът е с много достойнства и ще ви служи дълго при правилна поддръжка. Разбира се и памукът е с различно качество и начин на производство. Тук има спално бельо от памук Хасе или по-често срещан като спално бельо 100% памук - той е най-евтиния вариант като изключим смесите от памук - полиестер. Следва спално бельо ранфорс, което е по-качествено и с по-гъстотъкан памук. То е малко по скъпо, но много меко и качествено на допир и усещане. След това се нареждат спално бельо памучен сатен. То е още по гъстотъкано и още по-меко. Обикновено е с от 87 до 300 нишки на квадратен сантиметър. Допълнително е обработено по химичен път за по-голяма мекота. Този вид спално бельо се води луксозно спално бельо, както и моделите от бамбук, спално бельо от модал, спално бельо от фланел, който е пак памук, но по-дебел и подходящ за зимата. От всички модели най-балансиран като качество и цена е Ранфорс. Препоръчваме на клиентите си моделите Ранфорс или Памучен Сатен, ако желаят повече лукс и разполагат с по-големи финансови възможности.

- Следва изборът на размер. Тук трябва да обърнем внимание на размерите на матрака като долния чаршаф трябва да е с по 20-30 см по-голям от матрака, а плика за завивката с около 5-10 см по-голям от самата завивка.

- Следва и избора на цвят. Тук трябва да обърнем Внимание, че всеки цвят действа по различен начин на настроението и подсъзнанието. Препоръчваме светли и меки тонове, които действат оспокояващо и релаксиращо. Ако все пак искате нещо по-страстно и активиращо може да се насочите към по-горещи и наситени цветове. При нас ще откриете само качествено спално бельо от реномирани марки, но също така имаме и детско спално бельо, бебешко спално бельо, олекотени завивки, хавлии, халати за баня, шалтета и отделя. Приятно пазаруване от най-добрият онлайн магазин за домашен текстил. 

спално бельо ранфорс

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

One Stop Shop for Social Media and Video Production, Travis Believes is Helping People Revolutionize their Social Media Influence.

A positive attitude and optimism are the two keys to Travis Believes’ success. His company, InnerLight, has become a massive success due to this positive outlook in life. InnerLight Media has afforded some of the biggest names in social media influence billions of views, millions of followers, and a digital presence that has garnered the attention of leaders around the world. Find out more below.

To make things quite clear, Believes outlines the motivation behind his drive plainly and simply on his company website: “Our mission is to impact the world through positivity because we believe all change requires inspiration first.” More than just another copy-and-paste marketing manager who rides the waves of social media trends, Believes sets out to establish his work as a storm surge, changing the landscape altogether through enthusiasm and motivation. As evidenced in the comprehensive material he has created for notable individuals such as Tom Bilyeu, Jay Shetty, Lewis Howes, Prince Ea and more, his uplifting and affirming products are something followers can get behind and feel good about. A stark comparison to some of the mindless drivel cranked out by apathetic and downright nihilistic content creators, Believes brand produces something the world really needs right now, and it shows in his success.

Positivity may be a secret ingredient to Believes prosperity, but it is not the only one. The CEO understands what it is that the masses crave most in an era dominated by corporate cacophony crammed in everyone’s faces: integrity. The company’s motto “Knowledge is the New Entertainment, Integrity is the New Currency” proves itself through every genuine production for which it’s mastermind is responsible. By taking the time to truly respect and understand the audience of his clients, Believes is able to produce social media communications that not only register but resonate with those at whom his content is aimed. This leads to deeper-seated and longer-lasting brand-client relationships. People today have a much keener nose for incenserity, and Believes will have none of that on his watch.

Believes company is enjoying hard earned success for another crucial reason: he takes clients all the way from start to finish. A four step process, strategizing, development, launch and reporting, InnerLight’s action plan makes absolutely certain that the job gets done, and done correctly. The incredibly hands-on approach and tailored fit utilizes experts in the field arranged by Believes himself, to ensure that every client is bestowed with the content that not only agrees with their audience, it keeps them coming back for more.

InnerLight Media has afforded some of the biggest names in social media influence billions of views, millions of followers, and a digital presence that has garnered the attention of leaders around the world. The one-stop-shop for social media management, viral video production, and guidance in the realm of monetization of audience interaction has already proven itself a formidable player in the ever-changing, rapidly-expanding world of electronic communication. Travis Believes continues to sharpen his skills, working diligently daily to review every platform update, tweak every manipulation of complex and fluid algorithms, and come up with creative new ways to spread the positivity for which his brand is known.

win regardless

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Open Enrollment for the 2021 insurance period is set to begin on November 1st, and while many people view as a chore, it’s worth taking the time to understand the process and weigh your options. Spending even just a few minutes doing some research can save you money and grant you access better healthcare by ensuring that you are taking advantage of all the opportunities that Open Enrollment brings.

Take Control of Your Health Insurance

While it’s true that most states no longer have a tax penalty under the individual mandate for those who lack health insurance, the benefits of having a policy make it a wise decision for most people. Health insurance gives you peace of mind that you and your loved ones will be well taken care of in the event of a medical emergency.

Open Enrollment is your chance to take control of your health insurance, during which you can:

    Change your existing policy, which might help save you money

    Access new or more suitable healthcare providers

    Add or change who is included on your policy

What Is Open Enrollment 2021?

Health insurance can be a confusing and complex topic. Navigating the options, parts, co-pays and networks associated with different providers can sometimes seem insurmountable.

That’s why TrueCoverage offers extensive health insurance advice to help people find the best plan for their needs. The Open Enrollment period is the perfect time for you to make use of that advice and take out a new policy for the 2021 plan year.

Quick Facts

    Open Enrollment runs from Sunday November 1 – Tuesday December 15 2020.

    Coverage starts January 1, 2021.

    Price previews for Marketplace plans will be available just before Open Enrollment 2021 starts.

    Enrollment for 2020 is over, unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.

    Existing plans will roll over unless a subscriber takes action.

What If I Have an Existing Plan?

A lot of people assume that the Open Enrollment period is just for people who do not have health insurance, but it can be a great time to revisit your existing plan as well.

If someone already has a health insurance policy, they can use the Open Enrollment period as a chance to review that policy, shop around, and switch to another plan or provider if their existing one no longer fits their needs.

Over the last year, a lot of insurance companies have changed their plans, and some have removed their policies from marketplaces or modified what they offer.

This means your existing plan may no longer be quite right for you.

Even if the plan is relatively unchanged, your family may have changed. You may have:

    A new job in a different area

    More or fewer people in your household

    A change in your health status, meaning more or fewer doctor’s visits than expected

    A need for a drug that is not on your insurer’s approved list

    A wish to use a specialist that’s not part of your current network

    Plans to start a family in the near future

    Plans for elective treatments

It’s always a good idea to think about your current circumstances, your future plans and whether your health insurance policy meets your needs.

While it is possible to change insurance provider at other times of the year, the annual Open Enrollment period is the easiest time of year to do it, and it’s the ideal time to get a good deal, too.

Are You Making the Most of Your Health Insurance?

In 2019, it is estimated that 92% of Americans had some form of health insurance, with private health insurance being more common than public insurance.

A lot of families shop for the cheapest health insurance that they can find. While this may be suitable if you’re very young, low risk and on a low income, it’s often better for folks to invest a little more in their coverage as they age and as their families grow.

Paying a slightly higher premium comes with perks — typically, you’ll pay a lot less over the course of the year for consultations, treatment and medications.

Take a look at what your health insurance offers currently. Are you taking full advantage of it? If your policy allows you to have regular physicals or other preventative and wellness care, have you been making use of those appointments?

When you’re considering a new policy, think about how often you need to see a medical professional. You can do this by:

    Working out your medical expenses for the previous year

    Considering your future care needs

        Do you have a chronic condition?

        Is your job high-risk?

    Thinking about the rest of your family and their future care needs

    Considering whether you have savings that would cover unexpected co-pays or expenses

Once you’ve worked out your likely healthcare expenditure for the year, talk to an expert and ask them to recommend a plan that will cover those needs.

Adding Family Members to Your Health Insurance

When you purchase a health insurance plan, you have the option of adding dependents.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a child is classed as a dependent until the age of 26. This means it’s possible for you to keep an adult child on your health insurance even if they have moved out and are now married as long as they are still under 26 years of age.

You can include your own children, foster children or adopted children in your plan. If those children have siblings or children of their own, they can also be included in your plan.

Once a child turns 26, they will need to arrange their own care. Some medium-sized and large employers have an employer health insurance plan that is covered under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), which means the child can ask to have their policy extended for up to 36 months, but once that time period is up, they will need to find their own plan.

Children aren’t the only people who can be added as dependents on health insurance. You may also be able to add elderly relatives if you are responsible for caring for them. However, at age 65 those relatives will become eligible for Medicare.

Why Add People to Your Health Insurance?

Adding children or other relatives that are dependent upon you to your health insurance ensures that they have access to affordable healthcare and is often less expensive than having separate policies for each person.

There are tax exemptions associated with the number of dependents that a person claims, and spreading the out-of-pocket maximum across several people can reduce premiums, too. In the event that someone you care for needs to receive extensive medical care or requires a long course of medication, it can be helpful to have them on a shared policy.

At TrueCoverage, we have a variety of individual and family health insurance options, helping you to access the care you need in an affordable and easy to understand package, whether that’s for yourself or your whole family. If you’d like to take advantage of the Open Enrollment period for 2021 to change your coverage or take out a new package, browse our range of affordable medical insurance plans or contact us for a free, no obligation quote. We’re here to help you get the best value and peace of mind.

Health Insurance Quotes