Sunday, November 25, 2018

Joint and Combined Military Operations

Joint and combined operations are the wave of the future. So, what are they?

In milspeak, joint refers to having members from more than one service: Army and Marines, Soldiers and Sailors or some other combination. Combined speaks of having members from more than one nation, such as US and Canadian soldiers. Joint and Combined are both possible at once and are quite common in contingency operations around the world, from anti-terror missions to disaster relief efforts.

Naturally, this is a complicating factor. There is an old military joke. Each service is tasked with securing a building. The Army locks the doors at night. The Navy sweeps, mops, buffs the floors and empties the wastebaskets. The Air Force buys the building, the land and all associated rights. The Marines dig in fighting positions, set up weapons with interlocking fields of fire and begins construction of obstacles. There is more than a touch of truth to this. Each service has their own way of doing things and when they find themselves working together, each serviceman thrust into this situation has lessons to learn about what does and doesn't make sense.

Some is obvious. Soldiers will tend to call any sergeant, whether a staff sergeant, master sergeant or some other type, "Sergeant." Marines refuse to do this and will always use the full title. Marines who have never encountered this before have been known to get annoyed at this lack of respect.

There are attempts to solve this issue using traditional DoD methods. This means producing manuals that define words, as each service understands them and lessons on inter-service operations.

In practice, practice works best. When Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines work together they learn how each other service behaves and how they expect things to be done. This can be as simple as gathering up bodies to pick up trash on the road to as complex as how each service goes about getting their junior enlisted men promoted.

As is typical, it often falls to the senior NCO's to handle the messy details. Senior NCOs gather together to identify and solve issues. They will then pass this result down their respective chains of command so everyone will know what to do.

The issue is far more complex when other nations are involved. Issues start big and only grow. It can be something taken for granted like the ability of radios to transmit on the same frequencies or the availability of sufficient translators. The problems of multiple translations, where military technical jargon is translated into one language, so one interpreter can talk to the other, who then translates into a third language for the other military force can only be imagined to those who haven't experienced it. Again, the only real solution is exposure and training. Determining something as simple as when to salute someone whose rank you can't identify can be quite a challenge in a multinational operation, but on the other hand, occasionally you can get access to an Italian dining facility.

Defense News

Saturday, November 24, 2018

La mejor manera de eliminar sus deudas

Cuando usted tiene deudas, especialmente deudas de cantidades significativas, rara vez se siente cómodo. Sí, puede estar al día con sus pagos, sin embargo, siempre hay esa preocupación en la mente que continuamente le hace pensar en los peores escenarios. ¿Qué pasa si te despiden o pierdes tu trabajo? ¿Qué tal si te lesionas y tienes que perder mucho trabajo? ¿Cómo puedo ahorrar para objetivos futuros cuando todos mis cheques de pago van a realizar mis pagos mínimos?

Si esto te suena familiar, no estás solo. Millones de personas viven actualmente con deudas que parecen agotar sus cuentas bancarias y sus carteras. Sin embargo, hay esperanza. No es fácil y requerirá mucha atención y disciplina, pero puede eliminar sus deudas de una vez por todas. Veamos un plan de acción que consta de solo tres pasos y se ha demostrado que es el mejor método para eliminar la deuda.

1. Un estado actual preciso

Para comenzar, debe tener una idea de las deudas que tiene, los saldos restantes, los pagos mínimos y las tasas de interés actuales. Cree una lista que contenga esta información, junto con la compañía a la que le debe la deuda. Una vez que haya completado eso, organice la lista de una de las dos maneras.

Una forma en que puede organizar su lista es utilizando los saldos restantes. Comience con la cuenta que le queda para pagar la cantidad más alta y continúe hacia abajo en la lista hasta el saldo restante más bajo. Otro método para crear su lista es usar los mismos procedimientos, pero comience su lista con la cuenta que tenga la tasa de interés más alta. Continúe con su lista hasta que esté seguro de que no ha olvidado ninguna deuda.

Para ayudarlo a decidir cuál es el mejor método para crear su lista, hágase dos preguntas: ¿Son los montos de sus saldos restantes bastante altos y cuántos pagos le quedan por pagar? Si le queda una cantidad sustancial de dinero para pagar, vaya con el método de la tasa de interés. Al eliminar la deuda con la tasa de interés más alta, ahorrará dinero a largo plazo. Sin embargo, si sus saldos restantes son bajos a moderados, vaya con el método de saldos restantes. Una vez que elimine la deuda más grande que debe, tendrá más fondos para aplicar a las deudas más pequeñas.

2. Organice sus fondos

Con la lista en mano, reserve suficiente dinero para cubrir los pagos mínimos de cada deuda. Con los fondos que le quedan, aplique un monto de pago adicional a la deuda que está en la parte superior de su lista, en otras palabras, haga dos pagos. Si el pago mínimo es demasiado elevado y no tiene fondos suficientes para realizar un pago adicional, cambie su lista a la deuda en la que puede pagar un pago adicional.

Sí, podría seguir adelante y aplicar sus fondos restantes al saldo restante de la deuda que tiene en la parte superior de su lista, sin embargo, nuestro objetivo es pagar sus deudas, no pagarlas. Todo esto se aclarará un poco más adelante.

3. Colócalos y derríbalos.

Una vez que haya iniciado este plan, continúe hasta que tenga la primera deuda completamente pagada. Cuando se haya agotado, puede tomar el dinero de ese pago que ya no tiene y aplicarlo a la próxima deuda de su lista. Si tuvo que saltarse la deuda principal, regrese y vea si ahora tiene suficiente para poder hacer dos pagos. Continúe pagando sus deudas de esta manera hasta que haya eliminado completamente su lista. En poco tiempo, habrás logrado lo que inicialmente pensaste que sería imposible, habrás eliminado tus deudas.

¿Te suena familiar este plan? Es comúnmente referido como la “bola de nieve de la deuda”. No, no estoy diciendo que esta pequeña porción de genio es mi creación. Simplemente estoy diciendo que es la mejor manera de eliminar sus deudas sin causar, aún más, dificultades financieras. Solo tenga en cuenta que si le resulta difícil realizar los pagos mínimos, tendrá que buscar una fuente adicional de ingresos para iniciar este plan o buscar asesoramiento financiero para ayudarlo a través de métodos alternativos.

eliminar deudas

Monday, November 19, 2018

Royal Enfield and the Indian Connection

The Royal Enfield motorcycle is a page from history. It is an English motorcycle that unfortunately had to shut shop in 1970.That was the period when most British bike companies came under intense pressure from cheaper and more efficient Japanese Bikes. Against the likes of Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha the Royal Enfield Company just folded up.

Royal Enfield first started bike production in 1898. The company continued making good bikes for many years. Among the models produced were the Bullet, the 250 cc Hornet and the 500cc Fury. Actually the UK Company was sold in 1962.But the new owners also floundered and the gates were shut on the Enfield as far as England was concerned.

In the fifties the Indian government carried out a survey for motorcycles to patrol the border with the newly created state of Pakistan. The choice was the bullet a 350cc bike made in England by the Royal Enfield Company. 850 bullets found their way into India. The bikes were quite successful and it was thought to assemble the Bullet in India. Subsequently an agreement was signed with the parent company and the bike production started in India at Chennai.

The machine made under license was the 350cc bullet. This had a BHP of 18 and gave an average of 10miles to a liter of gasoline. The Army, navy and Air force soon found the bike a success and put it for use for Police duties, Dispatch rider duties and more important for escort and out riding duties on ceremonial occasions for the President and Vice President of India s well as the service chiefs.

The main market for the Bullet was the government. But Enfield India also began marketing the bike for civil use in India. They also launched a smaller 175cc version called the Sherpa which unfortunately failed in the market. A slightly improved version of the Sherpa the Crusader a 175cc bike with a telescopic fork was also launched in early seventies. But this bike also fell by the wayside.

Enfield India in a bid to match the competition of the Japanese bikes set up collaboration with Zundapp of Germany. A manufacturing plant was set up at Ranipet, a place close to Chennai. A series of light weight bikes like the 50 cc Silver Plus, Explorer motorcycle and the Fury 175 were launched. Though the bikes were good technically yet they failed to fire the markets and production was soon discontinued. In 1994 Eicher took over Enfield India. In 1995 the trade mark Royal Enfield was adapted by the Indian company which now became the inheritor of the Royal Enfield Brand. The India Company still makes the same original Bullets as they were in 1955.Due to pressure from the Japanese bike manufacturers Royal Enfield has brought out the 500 cc bullets and a more streamlined option the Thunderbird. This has a self start option as well. It is classified as a cruiser bike.

The Bullet as made in India has acquired a reputation for reliability. Though the pickup is a little poor the bike more than anything makes up for its stability. For Indian roads which are generally below par the bullet can hold its own against any bike. You can hit a pot hole at 70km an hour and the bike will be none the worse for it.

Royal Enfield

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Top 5 Relationship Counseling Tips

Are you having a hard time dealing with issues in your relationship? Then go ahead and follow these five counseling tips below and your relationship will be back on track in no time.

1. Spend Time Doing Bonding Activities Together
This will help you reconnect with your partner and strengthen your relationship. The activity doesn't have to be well-planned; you can share ordinary bonding moments together like jogging on weekends, preparing dinner, or simply talking and hanging out. However, be sure not to overdo it because then you'll both feel caged and suffocated. The key is to balance your time together and maintain some space for yourself.

2. Don't Take Your Anger Out On Your Partner
No matter how bad your day was, you should never pour out all your rage on other people, especially your partner. We all have our bad days, but channeling your frustrations towards your partner will only create a lot of negativity into your relationship. It's all right to share what happened at work so you can get some comfort and support, but make sure your temper is always in control.

3. Offer to Do Things Voluntarily
Don't just wait for your partner to ask you. You could perform simple tasks such as tidying the house, taking out the trash, getting the mail, or even cooking dinner every once in a while. Showing some initiative will let your other half know that you want to do your part and not just count on him or her to do everything.

4. Always be Truthful to Each Other
If you want your relationship to last, there should really be no room for lies. A lie, even a small one, will eventually grow into a bigger issue if you keep hiding things from your partner. Lying can really break the trust in your relationship, so always be honest right from the start and tell your other half whenever there's anything wrong.

5. Meet Each Other Halfway
Finally, the last relationship counseling tip is to learn how to compromise with your partner. Instead of trying to get your own way, listen to what your partner wants and figure out together how to make things favorable for the both of you. The more you practice this into your relationship, the easier it will be to settle your conflicts and keep your relationship intact.

relationship counseling denver

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Using LED Strip Lights in Your Kitchen and Dining Room

Strips of little light emitting diodes (LED) will go anywhere offering good illumination. These strips are especially useful in kitchens and adjacent eating areas. The low voltage LED strips are energy efficient, lightweight and each tiny bulb works independently. They can be super bright or very subtle. LED strips also work with dimmers.

LED strips are available in bright white and softer yellow tones. A remote color change controller is available with thousands of different color tones that can be set and easily changed with the white lights.

LED strips also come in colors for holiday decorations. The strips can work indoors or outside since cold weather is not a problem for them.

Kitchen use of the LED strips include:

Under cabinets and shelves
Inside of pantries and cupboards
Under islands
Along the ceiling line around kitchen and eating area
Under cabinets

The LED strips can be attached under hanging cabinets and cupboards or above them. This gives your kitchen a soft glow in the evening. Overhead lights do not have to be on. People coming into the kitchen at night can see where they are going without the bright lights.

The lights can be attached just above the floor below the lower cabinets so that soft light illuminates the floor. This helps in locating small items that might have fallen to the floor. It also helps in sweeping the area.

The lights can also be placed on the top of a cabinet or on the wall above them. The cabinets may have open shelves without doors. The extra top lights may help in finding items on high shelves.

Pantries and cupboards

Place strips of light in a pantry and connect the strip to the light switch. If you have a walk-in pantry, the strips will illuminate all of the shelves making it easier to find items at the back of a shelf.

The flexible strips can be placed vertically as well as horizontally on the wall of a pantry as needed. The strips will also work on the ceiling and give light to items placed at the back of a shelf. The strips can be placed above or below any shelf to assist in locating stored items.

The LED strips are very effective in a pantry, hutch or cupboard with glass doors. The subtle lights illuminate attractive dishes, glassware and other pieces behind the doors. The decorating possibilities are endless when a remote color changer is used.

Under islands

LED lights placed under island or serving counters offer an attractive glow without glaring bright lights. It shows the counter or island to its best advantage, especially if it is used for meals.

LED lights under an island or pass-though counter will also help to illuminate storage cabinets beneath the counter's overhanging edge.

Dining area

LED strips attached to the wall just below the ceiling in an eating area adjacent the kitchen give out a subtle glow. The lights can be regulated with a dimmer switch or color changer for a romantic atmosphere. This is an energy saving way to illuminate the dining area.

The LED strips come in spools and they can be cut to the desired length. The strips can be attached with peel and stick backing or they can be inserted into a metal tube that attaches to a wall or cabinet. The controls are connected and the lights plug into any socket. Special socket connectors and controls are available for lights placed in different locations.

outdoor led strip light 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Buying Car Parts Online - A Fast and Affordable Solution to Your Needs

Purchasing auto parts from the Internet is not an easy deal. The options are incredible and they can really cause troubles if you don't know what to buy. Picking the proper auto parts from an online store means knowing when you are about to get the right parts at the right price or waste your money on nothing. The following tips and tricks will be of assistance when you are shopping for great auto parts online. Try them and you will see!

In previous years, working with a professional before deciding whether to buy auto parts or not was the only viable way. Trust in the local mechanic was saint. However, in today's world, having access to all types of information can help you more than you think. You just need to know a bit about your car. In case you want to purchase auto parts online, do it with confidence! You just have to know the year, make and model of your car. Purchasing auto parts for replacement on the Internet can be done easier and, of course, faster if you know the part number.

Save time

When buying new parts for a car, make sure you select the right choices in terms of quality and price. Problems might appear when you do not find the right parts or they do not suit your car. This happens especially if you are trying to purchase for auto parts that are not as common. But shopping online still remains a better deal when it comes to quality and efficient results. This is because you will find lots of online stores that sell quality auto parts. You will definitely manage to find the part of your choice even if it comes from a rare car.

Pay extra attention

Desperate situations require desperate solutions. If you must find a replacement part for your car as soon as possible, the results will show on your payment bill, but the waiting time will rapidly diminish. If you can take advantage of some spare time, choose to buy online, rather than locally. Just make sure you pay attention to ordering the correct part from your first try. Sending the part back just because you made a mistake might make you waste more time. Not to mention that you must definitely make sure that the online store you are using is licensed and legit.

Every time you want to start shopping for auto parts revise the tricks and tips mentioned above and you will manage to save your money and time. And you will have that personal satisfaction knowing that you have managed to accomplish your purpose and get your car back safe and sound without spending a lot of money.

auto partswarehouse

Monday, November 5, 2018

5 Benefits of Online Dating

The personal experience that comes from online dating can be mixed and varies from one person to the next. Some people find this type of activity frustrating and confusing, while others get to build a long-lasting and satisfying relationship. Here are a few of the pros of online dating:

Not face-to-face

A significant benefit of choosing to use online dating is not being in the position of making the first move in public, which is certain to help nervous or shy people. Online activity can move as fast or slow as you want. This gives more time to get to know the other person and feel more comfortable speaking to them before making the first face-to-face meeting.

More matches

There is a much greater pool of potential matches with online dating. In addition to the regular sites, there are also those that target specific niches that increase the ability to find a like-minding partner. Most of the popular sites get new members on a daily basis, so there is always an opportunity to find a member's profile that matches your particular likes and dislikes. Plus, the sites make it possible to easily tailor the search criteria to increase the chance of being successful and it isn't necessary to limit a search for the local area of where you work or live.

Dating from home

Online dating makes it possible to start the dating process from home, which can help to avoid the need to get a sitter or even get dressed up. Plus, there is the option to meet the type of people who you won't normally make a connection with. It is useful for the people who don't get out much or those that work from home who are less likely to interact with others.

Saves time

For those with little free time, online dating is certain to help and can easily be used when you have a few spare minutes during the day. For instance, it can be used when doing other things like watching the TV, when you can't sleep, or when taking a break at work.

Less expensive

Even if you are using one of the sites with a membership fee, online dating is still a lot more cost-effective compared to a real first date that include a night out, travel costs, and meals. By using these sites it is possible to be more selective with the first dates, which means a lot less money needs to be spent on trying to find a potential partner.

craigslist personals

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Getting a Drone License

Drones can be great fun and sometimes you can actually make some money from them. However, in many areas, having a drone business is not allowed unless an exception is made for you. There are rules that have been set up so as to handle the drone ownership in various parts of the world. There are steps to follow and you need to get a license. Some areas also require payment of a fee.

Remote pilot certificate

When you have this kind of certificate, it is possible to fly drones legally in certain areas, even if your intention is to make a profit. You can make money from a drone from the selling of footage, goods delivery and so on. There are many flying restrictions that you may have to deal with.

You need to budget on the kind of drone you want to purchase. Usually, you should be able to get a fair priced one, but if your intention is to make some money, then a good quality one is the best choice.

Flying for fun

If your intention is to just fly for some kicks, then you may not need the certificate. However, rules differ from one area to the next. You will however need to register that drone, especially if it is above a set pound limit.

For drone racers who use the first person kind of glasses, the certificate is a must have.

Making money

When you want to make some money, then there are some qualifications that you will need to fulfill so as to qualify. They include:

Age: most places require that you should be at least 16 years of age

ID: most jurisdictions require one to have an ID that is issued by the government bearing a signature, address and name.

Tests: you also need to take a test, usually a knowledge test at the nearest center

Fee: you need to part with a fee before you take the test. You will need to do some sort of study so as to be able to take the test and pass. Usually, a score is given and uploaded.

Certificate: after you have passed the test, you can now apply for the certificate by providing proof that you actually passed the test in the first place.

Before the certificate is issued, a background check is conducted. You can have a temporary certificate sent to you as you await the real copy to be delivered through the mail.

Preparing for the test

So as to get the certificate, you need to take a test. Just like any other test, you need to prepare adequately so as to be successful. Do not underestimate the test since you may actually end up failing.

If you want to be successful, you need to take some of those courses that are available online. You may have to part with some more cash so as to access the course, but it is totally worth it, especially when you want to make some money from the drone.

Certified Drone Training