Monday, October 1, 2018

Portable Fishing Boats - 3 Popular Portable Fishing Boat Choices

When it comes to portable fishing boats there are many choices available, and I'm going to outline 3 of the most popular and effective choices when it comes to a portable boat. I have used, either currently or in the past, all 3 of these portable fishing boats so I know a little something about how they perform and the types of fishing they are most suited for. This information will help anyone make a much more informed decision when it comes to these unique and affordable fishing boats.

The portable fishing boats being listed in this article are all inflatable, which makes them much more cost effective. Just because they are inflatable doesn't mean that they are in any way cheaply made. This is a key to purchasing any inflatable fishing boat. You want to purchase your boat from a company that makes quality inflatable products.

So, how do you know that a company makes quality inflatable products? Simply put, a company that makes quality inflatable products will stand behind those products. They will stand behind their boats with things like free trial periods, money back guarantees, and free or discounted shipping offers. As a matter of fact, some inflatable boat manufacturers will offer all of these things at certain times. With all of that being said, here are the 3 portable fishing boat choices listed in no particular order.

Frameless Pontoon Boats - These portable boats are incredible for the individual angler. These boats come in different configurations offering add-ons such as swivel seats, floorboards, motor mounts, and even small motors. Frameless pontoon boats are great for one angler, no matter what their favorite form of fishing. These inflatable boats are great for river or lake fishing.
Paddleski All In One - The Paddleski is actually 4 boats in one! This inflatable boat can be paddled, motored, rowed, and even sailed. This boat can comfortably seat two people for your next fishing adventure. This boat is actually a pontoon kayak that is incredibly versatile. As far as portable fishing boats are concerned, this inflatable boat is easily one of the best options available. This inflatable boat is my personal favorite and is equally at home in lakes and rivers and can easily be carried in the trunk of a car.
Full Floor FoldCat - This boat is the largest of the fishing boat choices being outlined. This boat can easily carry up to four anglers and carries two very comfortably. This inflatable pontoon boats features are best demonstrated in lakes and ponds, but can be used in rivers as well. This is the perfect portable boat for bass anglers. The fact that your bass boat can be stored in two bags is a huge advantage to the bass angler who enjoys trying different fishing areas, and the fact that this inflatable boat can be set up is under 10 minutes is a great advantage as well. This full floor pontoon boat is a popular choice among these 3 portable fishing boats.

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