Sunday, December 27, 2020

In 2020, the average national cost for health insurance is $456 for an individual and $1,152 for a family per month. However, costs vary among the wide selection of health plans. Understanding the relationship between health coverage and cost can help you choose the right health insurance for you.

To see personalized quotes for coverage options available in your area, browse health insurance by state. If you already know which health insurance carrier you’d like to purchase from, check out our list of health insurance companies.

What is individual health insurance?

While many people get their health insurance through a group plan sponsored by their employer or union, others buy it themselves. If you are buying your own health insurance, you are purchasing an individual plan, even if you include family members on the plan. If this sounds like what you need, let eHealth show you all of your individual and family health insurance options, and use our free quote comparison tool to find an affordable plan that meets your needs.

As a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), people can purchase individual health insurance through a government exchange or marketplace (commonly referred to as ACA plans), or they can buy health insurance from private insurers. You may be restricted to purchasing health insurance through a government exchange to certain times of the year. Usually you can purchase health coverage from a private insurance company anytime.

ACA plans are a good starting place to understanding individual health insurance options. ACA health plans are categorized by metals. You can learn more about the metallic plans: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

All ACA plans must cover 10 essential benefits, such as coverage for hospitalizations, outpatient and preventive care, maternity and child services, lab tests, rehabilitation services, mental health treatment, and prescription drugs. Each insurer can decide how it provide these benefits, and perhaps additional benefits. The metallic levels help buyers understand what portion of health care costs the plan will pay on average and what portion the consumer will pay.

How much does individual health insurance cost?

The cost of individual health insurance varies. Personal choices in coverage as well as age, income, location, number of family members (if any) included in your coverage, health care use – factor into your actual health insurance cost.

You can get a reliable estimate of your costs when you know health plan’s premiums, deductibles, cost-sharing expenses and maximum out-of-pocket limits. With this information, you can also compare health insurance plans. Licensed insurance brokers at eHealth offer expert knowledge in available health plans. They can help you compare options to find the affordable health plan that meets your needs.


In exchange for healthcare coverage, the insurer charges you a monthly premium.

According to eHealth’s recent study of ACA plans, in 2020 the national average health insurance premium for an ACA plan is $456 for an individual and $1,152 for a family. This average cost does not include people who receive government subsides.

Deductibles and cost-sharing expenses

A deductible is the amount you pay for health care services each year before your health insurance pays its portion of the cost of covered services. Our study finds that in 2020, the average annual deductible for single, individual coverage is $4,364 and $8,439 for family coverage. Keep in mind, individual health insurance plans’ deductibles vary considerably: some may be as low as $0.

Copayments and coinsurance are cost-sharing payments you make each time you get a medical service after reaching your annual deductible.

A copayment is a fixed amount that you pay for covered health care services. For example, assume your plan has a $30 copayment and your doctor’s visit is $150. If you:

Haven’t met your deductible, you’ll pay $150 at the time of your visit

Have met your deductible, you’ll pay your $30 copayment

Coinsurance is a percentage of covered health care service that you pay for covered services after you have met your deductible. Assume your plan has a 20% coinsurance and your doctor’s visit is $150. If you:

Haven’t met your deductible, you’ll pay $150 for the visit

Have met your deductible, you’ll pay 20% of $150 (which is $30)

Maximum out-of-pocket limits

The maximum out-of-pocket limit is a financial safety net. This dollar amount is the most you have to spend for covered services in a year. After you reach this amount, the insurance company pays 100% for covered services for the rest of the benefit year. Your deductible, copayments and coinsurance payments count toward the annual maximum out-of-pocket limit.

For the 2020 plan year, the out-of-pocket limit for an ACA plan can’t be more than $8,150 for an individual and $16,300, as reported on Many plans offer lower out-of-pocket limits.

How do premiums, deductibles, cost-share, and out-of-pocket limits influence health care cost?

Generally, the more benefits your plan pays, the more you pay in premium. But your medical expenses for care are lower.

To illustrate how these costs may influence your choice of plans, consider the ACA plans.

The Bronze plan has the lowest premiums of the ACA metallic categories of plans. The national average premium in 2020 for single coverage is $448 per month, for family coverage, $1,041 per month, according to our study. A Bronze plan may be right for you if your primary goal is to protect yourself financially from the high cost of a serious illness or injury and still pay a modest premium. However you will have to pay for much of your routine medical care. The plan pays for preventive care (such as an annual wellness visit, certain screenings and counseling) whether or not the deductible is met.

A Silver plan may be a good choice for you if you can afford a slightly higher premium than a Bronze plan premium to get more insurance payment for medical care. The national average Silver plan premium in 2020 for single coverage is $483 per month. Family coverage averages $1,212 per month.

A Gold plan may be the right choice for you if you are willing to pay even more each month in premiums to have more of your medical care expenses paid by insurance than a Bronze or Silver plan would pay. A Gold plan may be especially valuable to you if you or your family require frequent or extensive medical care. The national average Gold plan premium in 2020 for single coverage is $569. For family coverage, the average premium is $1,437 per month.

If you can afford to pay more in monthly premium costs in exchange for small medical expenses related to extensive, ongoing health care, the Platinum plan may be a good choice. In 2020, the Platinum plan premium averages $732 per month for single coverage and $1,610 per month for family coverage.

In addition to the metallic plan categories, some people are eligible to purchase a plan with catastrophic coverage. Catastrophic plans have very low premiums and very high annual deductibles ($8,150 in 2020). However, they pay for preventive care regardless of the deductible. These plans may be a suitable insurance option for young, healthy people. To qualify for a Catastrophic plan, you must be under age 30 or be of any age with a hardship exemption or affordability exemption (based on job-based or exchange insurance being unaffordable). Learn more about Catastrophic coverage.

How to find an affordable plan that meets your needs?

Among customers who bought ACA individual health insurance, more than 75% chose Bronze or Silver plans. Your state may host an exchange for comparing and purchasing ACA plans or it may use the federal exchange at Keep in mind, you aren’t limited to the exchange.

The licensed insurance brokers at Americas Healthcare Source can help you find the best health plan to meet your health coverage needs and your budget. They will listen to your priorities in health coverage and use their expertise to match your needs with health insurance options both on and off the exchange.

Can I lower my health insurance costs?

You can’t control when you get sick or injured, but you do have some control on how much you pay. While an Americas Healthcare Source agent can help you identify potential cost controls for your particular situation, here are some ways you may be able to lower your health insurance costs.

See if you’re eligible for government subsidies. If you buy your own health insurance, you may get help paying for it from a government assistance program. The Advanced Premium Tax Credit subsidy lowers your monthly premium payment. The Cost-Sharing Reductions program can lower the cost-share amount you pay for medical care. Both of these programs are designed to help people with limited incomes. You can use this tool to see if you are eligible for lower costs.

See if you’re eligible for Medicaid. Every state has a Medicaid program and Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) to provide health coverage to low income individuals and families. Contact your state Department of Insurance or Health Department to learn more about these programs and if you are eligible to enroll.

See if you are eligible for Medicare. You may be eligible for Medicare if you are age 65 or older—even if you are still working—or any age and disabled. The standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B (medical insurance) is $144.60 for 2020. Most people who have worked at least 10 years and paid Medicare taxes do not pay a Part A (hospital insurance) premium.

Choose a high deductible plan that pairs a health savings account (HSA). If you aren’t eligible for government assistance programs, you may save money with this insurance plan type. The premium is low for high-deductible plans and many plans pay for some preventive care. The HSAs are savings accounts that you use to pay for medical expenses not paid by your insurance. You save on taxes with a health savings account because the money you put in and take out is either tax-free or tax-deductible.

Buy a medical supplement plan and a high-deductible plan. You may be able to save money by choosing a high-deductible plan that will help pay your expenses if you are seriously ill or injured and a supplemental insurance plan. Supplemental insurance provides coverage for specific health conditions, such as accidents, types of critical care, disability, or death. Typically, the premiums for these types of plans average $25 – $50 per month and usually don’t have deductibles.

affordable health insurance

Monday, December 21, 2020

How to Sell Your Home Online

If you've been thinking about selling your home - especially on your own - it's really important to look at the opportunity to sell your home online.

Keep in mind that most people who are looking for a home turn to the web before they look for a real estate agent; they want to be able to get a feel for what's out there and available before they make the commitment. If your home isn't showing up when they look at online listings, you're going to miss a whole lot of prospective buyers.

Of course, selling your home online isn't always just as simple as setting up a website. Selling your home online means understanding that it's important to have your home show up on major real estate websites - and knowing that, when you sell with flat fee MLS it will show up there.

In order to sell your home online, in other words, it is still important to make sure that you've got your bases covered. Just putting your property information and pictures online isn't enough. You have to make sure your home is listed on sites that people, preferably home buyers, are spending time.

sell my property in spain

Sunday, December 20, 2020

What is Waist Training?


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Waist training is a way to sculpt your body using a steel boned corset to modify your waist and create a desired figure⁠—often into an accentuated hourglass or a flat, trim waistline.

Traditionally, waist training referred to the use of steel boned corsets to create an exaggerated hourglass shape for women. A corset is used because of its amazing laces that create a tighter and snugger fit, pulling in a woman's floating ribs and even doing a little bit of rearranging of internal organs so that the circumference of her waist is greatly reduced.

The same waist training idea can be applied to redefining a men's figure. While men might not be looking for that same accentuated hourglass shape as women, men can use a corset to flatten their stomach and create a more smooth and refined abdomen.

What is a Waist Trainer?

A waist trainer is a steel boned corset. Now, if you’re picturing the Kardashians wearing latex bands, read on.... If you’re picturing Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala, she was indeed wearing a steel boned corset to achieve her stunning curves!

Steel boned corsets are worn for many reasons and situations. Some people wear them as a fashion statement, while others wear a corset under clothing for back and posture support. However, many women are looking for that classic hourglass figure to really turn heads at a special event.

This waist reduction has nothing to do with losing weight, spot reducing or doing ab exercises while wearing a waist cincher. The hourglass figure is attained as a result of the moving of floating ribs and the reduction of space in the abdomen. The same idea works for men looking for a smoother, trimmer waistline.

Shop Waist Trainers for Beginners

What about Waist Cinchers and Waist Taming?

More recently, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose have redefined what the term “waist training” means, as they refer to latex waist cinchers that they use during their workouts. It's important to understand that these latex waist cinchers are not the same as a steel boned corset waist trainer.

Latex waist cinchers have no way to truly cinch them and even the firmest latex can't compare to stainless steel bones. Women discussing "waist training" these days are, more often than not, likely discussing it as a part of their workout plan with a cincher. A latex waist cincher on its own won’t be able to effectively modify your body shape and train your waist like a steel boned corset can, but they are great for working out or for modest shaping under clothing.

We refer to these latex waist bands as “cinchers” and the practice of using them, often when exercising, as “waist taming”.

We use the terms “waist trainers” and “waist training” to refer to the classic way that people have always trained their waist by using steel boned corsets.

Shop Latex Cinchers

What Results Can I Expect from Waist Training?


Shop Her Waist Trainer

The minute you lace into your corset you'll see an instant change in your shape. You’ll look a few sizes smaller and have a more defined waist and smoother figure. Of course, long-lasting changes to the shape of your waist while not wearing your corset won’t happen until after you waist train for a while.

Waist training results depend on a lot of factors. There isn't really a definitive answer that’s true for every person. Here are just a few factors:

How long do you wear your corset each day?

How often do you wear your corset?

How tightly laced is your corset?

Are you following a weight loss regimen, including diet or exercise?

How do your genetics play a role?

Even if we took two people that had the same waist measurement to start with and made sure that ALL the other variables were the same, they would still very likely have different results with waist training. Our bodies are so different, that there just isn't any way to predict results. It's like walking into a gym and asking them how much weight you will lose if you start working out there. Too many variables!

Do Waist Trainers Really Work?

Waist training has been around for hundreds of years because it works. See for yourself. Check out real life results from our customers!

Waist Training Before & After Results

See Real Results


Before: 29" Waist

After: 26" Waist

Corseted: 18" Waist in CS-411 Standard

We've also compiled a series of real life waist training stories. These stories contain specific information about people who have been waist training for a few months up to a few years. They have all successfully lost inches off their waist by wearing a steel boned corset for several hours each day, multiple days each week.

Ready to Get Started?

Get $10 Off Your 1st Trainer

Is Waist Training Permanent?

The effect of waist training is semi-permanent. So, kind of like semi-permanent hair dye, the effect will fade overtime unless it’s kept up. You’ll need to continue corseting even after a goal waist reduction has been achieved to maintain it.

We like to compare maintenance corseting to wearing a dental retainer after braces have been removed, doing some “maintenance” waist training after you have achieved your goals will help to maintain those results.


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Is Waist Training Dangerous?

If you are willing to use common sense and listen to your body, then, no, waist training is not dangerous. We suggest using safe and sane corsetry practices anytime you wear a corset, whether you're a serious waist trainer or you're simply wearing a corset as a complement to your fashion choice.

The conversation goes something like this: "Is your corset causing you pain?" If the answer is a resounding "YES!", then loosen it or take it off completely! The idea of no pain, no gain does not apply here.

A corset does not have to be uncomfortable to give you a gorgeous hourglass figure. Breaking in a corset, also known as seasoning, is important for the corset, but it's also a chance for your body to get used to wearing it. Slow and steady is the rule of thumb for waist training.

Is Waist Training Right for Me?


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Anybody can shape their waist by wearing a corset regularly when it's done right and with the right waist training corset for your body. You can absolutely work towards your waist slimming goals by waist training, especially if you pair it with a long-term fitness or weight loss routine.

It's super important that you ensure that your waist trainer is comfortable for you every time you lace up. We can help you find the right fit, the right style, and the right fabric to help you reach your goals. Or if you’d like to research more before chatting with our team, our corset sizing guides can help you choose your perfect fit.

Is Waist Training for Men?

Absolutely! Some of our most devoted waist training customers are men. Some work in office settings and they love the trimming, smoothing and posture lifting that their corset provides when hidden under their professional clothes. Some waist training men work manual jobs (including farming!) and they prefer the comfort of a well-fitting corset to an awkward, stiff and unflattering back brace.

We have designed waist training corsets for most any body type, from extreme hourglass curves to masculine figures, so that they work with anyone looking for a corset advantage--women, men, and also nonbinary and transitioning people. Corsets and waist training are truly for any body.


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Will a Waist Trainer Help Me Lose Weight?

There is no “corset diet”, but weight loss tends to happen when waist training regularly mainly because the corset also acts as an external LAP band, not allowing you to eat large quantities while wearing the corset.

We wish we could say that losing weight is as easy as lacing yourself into a corset, sadly it isn’t the case. However, your corset can be a helpful tool in your weight loss journey! Many people even like to use their corsets to help kickstart healthier eating habits and more active lifestyles.

Waist Training While Losing Weight

See Customer Results


Before: 35" Waist

After 1 Year: 31" Waist

Corseted in CS-426 Standard

Read more about losing weight while corseting and which waist trainers we recommend so you reach your weight loss goals.

How Soon Will I See Waist Training Results?

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Just like waist training results in general, how soon you will see changes to your body depends on a ton of factors. We’ve seen people with changes to their shape in as little as a month, but most take it slow and easy with their waist trainer. The longer you stick with it, the more dramatic results you will achieve.

We recommend that you plan on giving it a try for at least a couple of months and even much longer if you're looking for a dramatic change⁠—listening to your body, of course! The most important thing here is to have fun and listen to your body.

Waist training is a slow and steady process and it’s important that you enjoy the journey! Because waist training is semi-permanent, to maintain the changes to your figure, you'll want to use your corset for as long as you’d like to see results.

How Can I Get the Best Waist Training Results?

Waist training works best as part of a healthy lifestyle. Because it's a process, you should track your progress as you go and make sure to take photos regularly so you can see how your body is changing and keep you motivated. It also helps to join a supportive group to share the experience with, so join our private Facebook group!

Once you've worked up to it and have a fully seasoned corset, you’ll want to wear your waist training corset around 8 to 12 hours a day and regularly to see the best results. You might also notice that your appetite changes a little bit while you waist train, which will contribute to the results you achieve.

Find Your Waist Trainer

What Should I Expect When I Start Waist Training?

While every person's experience is different when just starting to waist train, here are some normal and unexpected surprises:

When you first put on a corset, it can be a little awkward but we'll walk you through it. Before long you'll be cinching like a pro.

You might notice changes to your appetite and you'll be less likely to overeat while wearing your corset. We encourage small, frequent meals throughout the day instead of 3 traditional meals.

It is best to start slow and slowly increase the amount of time that you're wearing your corset. In the beginning, most people can only wear their waist trainer for a few hours at a time. Comfort is key here!

You might be surprised by quick results. Waist trainers can help with smoothing and reducing bloating.

Your wardrobe might start changing a little bit as you learn how to use your corset as undergarment staple and, perhaps, a fashion accessory.

You might notice a change to your posture. Particularly if you are sitting at a desk or on your feet most of your day, you might notice that you sit or stand a bit straighter and that you engage your abdominal muscles a bit more than you used to.

You'll be surprised by how comfortable your corset will be after seasoning it. It will slide on and feel a little like a hug. Some people have noticed that they have felt less anxious when they wear their corset.

You might be surprised by many of the benefits of wearing a corset that you never even considered. Learn more about them and our customer experiences!

What Waist Trainers Are Best for Me?

We can't over-stress the importance of getting the right corset for your body and purpose. Your corset should fit you like a glove and should be super comfortable. It should also be made out of the right fabric for how you intend to wear it.

Check out our list of the best waist trainers for beginners and chat with our sizing experts (yes, real live people!) to make sure that you get the best fit possible.

The Best Waist Trainers for Beginners

More Waist Trainers


CS-411 Standard Corset in Mesh


CS-201 Waspie Corset in Mesh


CS-426 Longline Corset in Satin

What Size Waist Trainer Should I Buy?

Making sure that the size of your corset is the best for your goals is super important, particularly if you are intending to gain or lose weight in the near future. Postpartum anyone? Picking the wrong size or one that you will quickly size out of is uncomfortable and no fun!

To make sure you find the right corset size, our team of sizing experts is ready! Chat with us or take your measurements and we’ll send you a recommendation.

Your size is only half of the puzzle. The other important piece is to make sure you have a corset style that hugs your body top to bottom, so that you have the most comfortable fit possible and see real waist training results.

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What Corset Style is Best for Me?

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We are so happy that you asked! Picking the best corset style isn't about picking the cutest one⁠—although we do love hip ties! It's about finding the ideal fit for your body. Let's be honest, corsets aren't T-shirts, so the size and cut make all the difference. With the right corset style, you can devote yourself to waist training comfortably and stick with it to see the results you’re looking for.

The best way to make sure that you have the right corset style number is to chat with our awesome experts. Our team has worked with thousands of people just like you of all shapes and sizes and can help you find your corset. The best part? Finding your corset is as easy as chatting online.

We have many different corset styles specifically designed to fit most body types from slim and long to curvy and voluptuous to athletic and even masculine figures. Each corset style has a different style number and comes in a ton of different fabrics and colors. For even more customization, change up your laces for the perfect hue or check out our corset DIY designs!

How Do I Measure My Body for a Corset?

It's important to measure your body accurately so that you get the right corset size and style. Corset sizing and clothing sizes don’t correlate like you’d expect they would. Corsets are designed to hug your body unlike other clothing pieces, so knowing that you wear a size 14 pant or 38-C won't really help you find the right corset.

Taking your natural measurements seems daunting but you only need a mirror, a measuring tape (or a string and ruler for the MacGyver's out there) and to follow along!

To size your corset, you’ll need four main measurements:

When Should I Wear My Waist Trainer?

For the best waist training results, you’ll want to wear your corset regularly. Consistency and constancy will help you achieve your goals, above all though—listen to your body! When you just start out with waist training, you'll be wearing your corset for an hour or two and then you'll ramp up to longer periods in your corset, eventually up to eight or even 12 hours a day.

There are those that become very dedicated and waist train “23/7”, only removing their corsets to shower and exercise. Waist training isn’t a race though, you may notice days that you’ll want to only corset for a short time at a small reduction and maybe other days you’ll feel comfortable and excited to wear your corset for many hours at a time, possibly even tightening throughout the day. Those and all combinations in between are all the right answers to when and how often you should wear your new waist training corset!

Given that you'll be spending a lot of time in your corset while waist training, it's important that you get the right size and style for your body and purpose. If you'd like to show off your corset, we have styles that match most any fashion, including styles that you can wear to the office believe it or not!

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How Can I Hide My Waist Trainer Under My Clothes?

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If you're like many waist trainers and want to stealth by layering clothing over your corset to conceal it, we have styles that work great as undergarment corsets. A corset is a great foundational undergarment for pretty much any outfit. It's great for wearing under blouses, slacks, collared shirts and polos, skirts, and dresses.

Wearing a corset can give any outfit a little pop because it instantly improves your posture, smoothes, and provides curves in all the right places!

Should I Wear My Waist Trainer When I Exercise?

No! While latex waist cinchers are designed for wearing when doing exercise, a waist training corset should absolutely be taken off when exercising. Not only would it be uncomfortable to exercise in your corset, it will also bend the steel bones and potentially break the corset itself if you were to exercise in it.

If you'd like to slim your waist while exercising, we recommend one of our latex cinchers and would be happy to get you sized into the perfect one!

Can I Sleep in My Waist Trainer?

When you wear your waist trainer is kind of personal preference. Some people swear by wearing their waist trainer while they sleep because it's an easy, comfortable way to get waist training hours for the results they’re looking for literally while they sleep.

Most people prefer wearing their corset as a foundational piece while awake because it offers many other benefits when they're wearing it, like improving their posture, providing back support, and creating a slimming look and beautiful curves underneath their clothing.

We have found that a well-loved corset is more comfortable to sleep in than a new, stiff corset. You will also be more comfortable during the night if you choose to keep your corset laced less snug than if you were awake during the day. While our body is at rest, our body does most of its necessary digestion which can cause our stomachs to expand at night. We have been told that lacing your corset too tightly at bedtime can cause some unwanted bloating and indigestion.

If you're hoping to sleep in your waist trainer, make sure to talk with our sizing experts to make sure that you get the best and most comfortable corset for your body.

How Should I Take Care of My Corset?

Shop Corset Liners

If you love your corset as much as we do, you’ll want it to last as long as possible. The most important thing to remember is that you always want to wear a layer between your corset and your skin. We have comfy bamboo liners exactly for this purpose! (To be honest, we often wear these liners as a foundational garment even without a corset because they smooth so well and are super comfy.) A cotton camisole can work well here, too!

Storing your corset properly is very important! After you loosen your corset and remove it, we recommend hanging it over a hanger by the laces with the inner lining facing outwards. This will help your corset fully breathe and dry between wears. For long term storage and packing, we recommend gently rolling your corset and storing it inside our Corset Storage & Travel Case.

Cleaning your new steel boned corset is different than typical clothing. First things first: dry clean only! Between dry cleaning appointments, we recommend a damp cloth for spot cleaning and that you always wear a liner between you and your corset. You will be able to go longer between those cleanings if you keep the natural oils in your skin away from your corset as much as possible.

What Makes Orchard Corset Different?

If you made it this far you know how excited we are about corsets and waist training. For over 20 years we've been working with corset lovers and waist trainers⁠—from those just beginning to tight lacers. We also are corset wearers ourselves. Some of our team members have literally hundreds of corsets in their fashion quiver because we love them so much!

For us corsetry is more than a business, it's a way of life.

Our passion for corsetry shows up in our superior customer service and the care that we take in personally designing each of our products. We want you to have the best waist training experience possible and are committed to being here for you every step of your journey.

We’ll make sure that you purchase the right waist training corset for your body, that you start waist training safely for the results you’re looking for, and that you have support to help you on every step of your waist training journey. We’ve even created a private community of fellow waist trainers and corset lovers you can join to cheer you on!

But don't take our word for it. Read what our customers have to say about us. And chat with us if you have any questions or are ready to get started waist training!

waist training benefits

Thursday, December 17, 2020

David Lovely is a healthcare executive, investor and entrepreneur. He currently runs Health Testing Centers, LLC. One of the largest and oldest direct to consumer lab testing companies in the US. In this capacity, Lovely sold Health Testing Centers to LabCorp and then after 2 years re-acquired the firm. He is also the primary investor in a supplement company called Travel Vitamins (

Through his investment company, Lovely Ventures, Lovely has also made various real estate investments and maintains angel investor status in several ongoing start-ups.

Prior to working healthcare David Lovely was in the travel category. He co-founded Performance Media Group which was acquired by Northstar Travel Group. He was also an investor in various private aviation companies including OneSky Jets. Before becoming an investor/ entrepreneur he worked with Carl Icahn to help consolidate his various travel related businesses including, the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino and Maupintour. Lovely also spent time at Travel Agent Magazine, Cayman Airways and Certified Vacations.

Originally from New Haven, CT, David Lovely currently lives in Bucks County, PA on a bucolic farm with his wife and 4 kids.

David Lovely

Friday, December 11, 2020

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